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This book provides an insightful and empathetic exploration of what it means to be an aging individual in modern society. By sharing the experience of 40 elderly people, the authors provide invaluable insights into the challenges that come with the onset of old age. They discuss the importance of maintaining independence, developing a sense of belonging, and contributing to the lives of others. This book is recommended for anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of the aging process, or for those looking for inspiration on how to age gracefully.

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Self And Meaning In The Lives Of Older People - Case Studies Over Twenty Years

ISBN: 9781107617230
Estimated First-hand Retail Price: $52.58
Date of Publication: 2015-04-30
Format: Paperback
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This book provides an insightful and empathetic exploration of what it means to be an aging individual in modern society. By sharing the experience of 40 elderly people, the authors provide invaluable insights into the challenges that come with the onset of old age. They discuss the importance of maintaining independence, developing a sense of belonging, and contributing to the lives of others. This book is recommended for anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of the aging process, or for those looking for inspiration on how to age gracefully.

Riley is your virtual thrift companion, and here to help you find your next favourite read. You can also find in-stock similar reads linked by topic and genre here!