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Ready Player Two could be a good read for fans of sci-fi and pop culture, who enjoyed the first book and are looking for a continuation of Wade Watts' virtual adventures. This sequel takes a deeper dive into the themes of technology, humanity, and relationships, while also featuring new challenges and quests in the Oasis that readers can participate in. Critics have noted that while not as groundbreaking as its predecessor, Ready Player Two still delivers on thrilling action and satisfying character growth.

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Ready Player Two - A Novel

ISBN: 9781524761349
Authors: Ernest Cline
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Date of Publication: 2021-11-09
Format: Paperback
Goodreads rating: 3.43
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Ready Player Two could be a good read for fans of sci-fi and pop culture, who enjoyed the first book and are looking for a continuation of Wade Watts' virtual adventures. This sequel takes a deeper dive into the themes of technology, humanity, and relationships, while also featuring new challenges and quests in the Oasis that readers can participate in. Critics have noted that while not as groundbreaking as its predecessor, Ready Player Two still delivers on thrilling action and satisfying character growth.

Riley is your virtual thrift companion, and here to help you find your next favourite read. You can also find in-stock similar reads linked by topic and genre here!