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This book could be a good read for someone who wants to explore ancient Eastern wisdom and apply it to modern living. It offers practical advice for living a peaceful, flexible, and fulfilling life, encouraging readers to let go of negative thoughts and patterns, and embrace a new way of being. The book's unique feature is its focus on the Tao Te Ching, with 81 essays dedicated to explaining and applying its teachings to daily life. Users would likely appreciate the book's gentle, wise tone, and its emphasis on living in harmony with oneself and the world.

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Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life : Living The Wisdom Of The Tao

ISBN: 9781401915360
Estimated First-hand Retail Price: $22.71
Author: Wayne Dyer
Publisher: Hay House Inc
Date of Publication: 2007-08-31
Format: Paperback
Goodreads rating: 4.23
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This book could be a good read for someone who wants to explore ancient Eastern wisdom and apply it to modern living. It offers practical advice for living a peaceful, flexible, and fulfilling life, encouraging readers to let go of negative thoughts and patterns, and embrace a new way of being. The book's unique feature is its focus on the Tao Te Ching, with 81 essays dedicated to explaining and applying its teachings to daily life. Users would likely appreciate the book's gentle, wise tone, and its emphasis on living in harmony with oneself and the world.

Riley is your virtual thrift companion, and here to help you find your next favourite read. You can also find in-stock similar reads linked by topic and genre here!