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Imagine strolling through the heart of Paris, feeling the pulse of its romantic streets, tasting its delectable cuisine, and immersing yourself in world-class art. "Best of Paris" is your personal escort to the city's finest experiences, all curated to fit your pocket—literally and figuratively. Whether you're planning a trip or dreaming of one, this book is like having a knowledgeable friend whispering the city's secrets just for you.

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Best of Paris

ISBN: 9781740594790
Publisher: Lonely Planet
Date of Publication: 2005-01-01
Format: Paperback
Goodreads rating: 4.0
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Imagine strolling through the heart of Paris, feeling the pulse of its romantic streets, tasting its delectable cuisine, and immersing yourself in world-class art. "Best of Paris" is your personal escort to the city's finest experiences, all curated to fit your pocket—literally and figuratively. Whether you're planning a trip or dreaming of one, this book is like having a knowledgeable friend whispering the city's secrets just for you.

Riley is your virtual thrift companion, and here to help you find your next favourite read. You can also find in-stock similar reads linked by topic and genre here!