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Horngren's Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, Global Edition

Condition: Well Read



Was: S$35.57

Recommendation: This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the strategic aspects of cost accounting in a global business environment. It provides practical examples and case studies from various industries, making it easy to apply the concepts to real-world scenarios. The emphasis on sustainability and innovation sets it apart from other cost accounting books, making it a valuable resource for managers and entrepreneurs looking to make informed decisions and drive success in today's competitive landscape.
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Wooden On Leadership: How To Create A Winning Organizaion - How To Create A Winning Organizaion

Condition: Very Good



Was: S$17.00

This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to enhance their leadership skills. John Wooden, a renowned coaching legend, shares his 12 Lessons in Leadership and Pyramid of Success, providing step-by-step guidance on how to build a winning organization. Wooden's emphasis on team spirit, loyalty, determination, and peak performance will inspire you to strive for greatness in any endeavor. With valuable insights and moral authority, this book will reshape your understanding of leadership and teach you what it truly means to win.
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The Value of Debt in Building Wealth: Creating Your Glide Path to a Healthy Financial L.I.F.E.

Condition: Very Good



Was: S$11.65

Imagine you're navigating a financial tightrope. "The Value of Debt in Building Wealth" is like having a guide that encourages you to use that balance pole (debt) intentionally rather than fear it. By exploring the nuanced role debt can play in your wealth-building strategy, it breaks down complex financial concepts into actionable steps. This book might be the compass you need if you're eager to map out a future where debt works for you, not against you.
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Persuasion 4th edn : The art of influencing people

Condition: Like New



Was: S$17.67

Picture yourself walking into any situation, feeling confident that you can navigate conversations and relationships with ease. 'Persuasion' by James Borg could be your secret weapon, transforming the way you communicate. It’s not just about words, but also about listening and body language, tools that are universally applicable whether you’re climbing the corporate ladder or just looking to improve interpersonal relationships. Borg’s insights could very well be the nudge your personal and professional life needs to flourish.
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Power Your Tribe: Create Resilient Teams In Turbulent Times

Condition: Very Good



Was: S$9.86

Recommendation: This book is a must-read for anyone leading a team in today's fast-paced and constantly changing business landscape. The author, Christine Comaford, provides neuroscience-based tools and proven strategies to help you create resilient teams that can adapt to any challenge. Through case studies and relatable examples, you'll learn how to empower your team members to embrace change and see it as an opportunity for growth. With the insights and techniques shared in this book, you'll be able to navigate through turbulent times and lead your tribe to long-term success.
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Mother of Invention

Condition: Well Read



Was: S$8.78

If you've ever questioned why some obvious innovations seemed delayed or have been curious about the untapped potential of women's ideas, "Mother of Invention" will take you on an eye-opening journey. Katrine Marçal tackles the silent biases in our economy with fierce perspective, shedding light on how the world can benefit from including and prioritizing women's inventions and insights. This book promises to be a thrilling read for anyone interested in innovation, equality, and rewriting history.

Developing the Leader Within You 2.0

Condition: Like New


"Developing the Leader Within You 2.0" is a must-read book for anyone looking to develop their leadership skills. John Maxwell's insights on vision, value, influence, and motivation provide practical advice on how to become a successful leader. The two new chapters in this updated edition offer fresh perspectives on leadership principles that are applicable to any arena, be it family, church, business, or nonprofit. This book will positively impact readers' lives and those around them, making it a valuable addition to any personal or professional library.
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Fast Food Nation: What the All-American Meal Is Doing to the World

Condition: Well Read



Was: S$9.29

If you're someone who breezes through drive-thrus without a second thought, "Fast Food Nation" will stop you in your tracks. It's not just a deep dive into what you're eating, but a revelation of how the fast food industry has reshaped society, labor, and health in profound and unsettling ways. Imagine uncovering the secrets behind your cheeseburger—it's thought-provoking, it's urgent, and it might just change how you see your next meal.
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Persuasion Equation: The Subtle Science of Getting Your Way

Condition: Very Good



Was: S$11.65

If you've ever found yourself struggling to convince your boss for that promotion or needed to sway your team towards a new project, "Persuasion Equation" has got your back. Mark Rodgers has expertly distilled the science of persuasion into actionable insights, meshing academic research with practical know-how. Getting to "yes" becomes an art form as you navigate through the individual differences and organizational politics that influence decision-making. This book isn't just a guide—it's your strategic partner in the subtle dance of persuasion.

The Industries of the Future

Condition: Very Good


This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the rapidly changing economic landscape. Alec Ross offers a comprehensive view of the industries that will shape our future, including robotics, artificial intelligence, cybercrime, genomics, big data, and digital technology. He explores tough questions about the changing nature of work and the impact of globalization on emerging nations. The book combines storytelling and economic analysis to deliver a captivating read that will leave you feeling both informed and inspired.
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Holacracy: The Revolutionary Management System that Abolishes Hierarchy

Condition: Well Read



Was: S$8.78

If you’re feeling constrained by conventional hierarchical structures, "Holacracy" could be the breath of fresh managerial air you're looking for. It shifts the paradigm from a top-down approach to a fluid role-based system where every team member takes the lead. Robertson not only shares the philosophy but also offers practical steps for implementation, making it a compelling read for anyone interested in cutting-edge organizational design or eager to shake up their startup or department.
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Personality Plus

Condition: Very Good



Was: S$9.88

If you're curious about what makes you, well, you—and how to leverage that for better relationships and performance at work—Personality Plus offers eye-opening insights. Florence Littauer's blend of humor and practical advice makes understanding the complex tapestry of human personality surprisingly enjoyable. With its personality profile test, it's almost like holding a mirror up to your soul, one that helps you grow and appreciate the differences in others, fostering empathy and self-improvement.

Money Master the Game : 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom

Condition: Well Read


If achieving financial freedom is your quest, think of Tony Robbins as your wise guide through the monetary wilderness. His expertise is layered with wisdom from the financial greats, simplifying what can often feel like a complex and inaccessible subject. "Money Master the Game" imparts not just knowledge but practical steps that can fit into any lifestyle or income, setting you on a path towards your own financial liberation.
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Principles of Marketing

Condition: Well Read



Was: S$15.57

Principles of Marketing is a must-read for students and professionals aspiring to become marketing managers. The book covers a wide range of topics, from basic marketing concepts to advanced strategies for delivering superior customer value. Philip Kotler provides practical real-world examples and applications, making it easy to understand the major decisions marketing managers face. The seventh edition places emphasis on delivering quality customer value and adds new material on brand quality and strategy, including co-branding, multibranding, packaging, and the environment.

Steve Jobs

Condition: Very Good


If you're fascinated by the enigmatic Steve Jobs and the tech revolution he fueled, Walter Isaacson's biography is a must-read. Every page is ripe with the raw intensity of Jobs' personality and the groundbreaking innovations he led. This book doesn't just recount the life of a tech mogul; it delves deep into the psyche of a man who forever changed how we interact with technology. It's a compelling narrative that might ignite your own creativity and ambition.

A Random Walk Down Wall Street : The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing

Condition: Well Read


Recommended for novice investors seeking foundational knowledge. Covers various investments, incorporating new findings on behavioural finance. Author draws on his ample experience and research to provide a systematic approach to investing.

Everyone Communicates, Few Connect

Condition: Well Read


In Everyone Communicates, Few Connect, world-renowned leadership expert John C. Maxwell shares the Five Principles and Five Practices to develop the crucial skill of connecting with people. The ability to connect with others is a major determining factor in reaching your full potential. Connecting is a skill that can be learned and applied in personal, professional, and family relationships. Start now!
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Better and Faster: The Proven Path to Unstoppable Ideas

Condition: Very Good



Was: S$11.00

If you're feeling stuck or you're a serial strategist searching for that edge in unpredictability, "Better and Faster" might just be your new playbook. Gutsche isn't just presenting ideas; he's offering a lens to see the world differently. This book holds the potential to shift your mindset, by breaking down mental barriers and speeding up your capacity to identify opportunities. It's for the innovator in you that's itching for a method to the madness of success.
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Leadership and the Art of Struggle How Great Leaders Grow Through Challenge and Adversity

Condition: Like New



Was: S$15.44

If you've ever felt the pressure of leading through tough times, this book could be a lighthouse for you. It doesn't sugarcoat the reality of leadership struggles. Instead, it provides a meaningful roadmap for enduring and growing from the challenges you face, making it an essential resource for any leader dedicated to their personal and professional growth.
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The Elephant and the Dragon : The Rise of India and China and What It Means for All of Us

Condition: Very Good



Was: S$17.00

This book is a must-read for anyone wanting to understand the changing dynamics of the global economy. It offers a compelling glimpse into the rise of India and China, two vastly different nations with unique strategies. Through vivid descriptions and insightful analysis, it brings to light the tectonic shifts in global power and the impact it will have on the rest of the world. Whether you're an economist, a businessperson, or simply curious about the future, this book will provide you with valuable insights and a deeper understanding of the new global economy.

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

Condition: Well Read


Dale Carnegie's "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" is like having a wise mentor at your fingertips, offering time-tested strategies that promise to lift the burdens of anxiety off your shoulders. It's particularly resonant for those who find themselves entangled in the web of modern-day stresses and yearn for a more peaceful, worry-free existence. It’s not just insightful; it’s a pathway to reclaiming joy and serenity in your day-to-day life.
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Twelve and a Half : Leveraging the Emotional Ingredients Necessary for Business Success

Condition: Very Good



Was: S$14.14

Twelve and a Half by Gary Vaynerchuk gives practical exercises and real-life examples to develop emotional intelligence for better leadership, faster growth, and successful organizations that last.
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I Moved Your Cheese; For Those Who Refuse to Live as Mice in Someone Elses Maze

Condition: Very Good



Was: S$11.00

"I Moved Your Cheese" will resonate with you if you're tired of playing by others' rules and crave the empowerment to shape your own path. Malhotra's tale of three adventurous mice, Max, Big, and Zed, isn’t just about finding success but redefining the very environment that limits you. It's a short, impactful read that may just inspire you to redesign your own mazes in life.
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Guide to Managerial Communication : International Edition

Condition: Well Read



Was: S$18.43

This book provides practical tips and tools for effective communication in a professional context. It emphasizes the importance of clear writing and persuasive speaking in the business world. The author, Mary M. Munter, provides numerous real-world examples and case studies to illustrate key concepts. This book would be great for anyone looking to improve their communication skills in a managerial or professional setting.
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Who Says Elephants Can't Dance?

Condition: Well Read



Was: S$8.43

Who Says Elephants Can't Dance? tells the inspiring story of Lou Gerstner's successful effort to restore IBM to its former glory. With sharp insights into the computer industry and principles of bold leadership, Gerstner's account is an engrossing look at how a company can survive and thrive amid tumultuous change. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in business strategy, leadership, and the technology industry.
If you're curious about the intersection of technology and economics, "Race Against the Machine" will offer you a compelling perspective. It’s especially relevant in our rapidly changing job market, where digital advancements are reshaping the landscape. Brynjolfsson and McAfee craft an urgent narrative that captures how innovation fuels both progress and inequality, making it a thought-provoking read for anyone interested in the future of work.

Screw It, Let's Do It: Lessons in Life and Business

Condition: Well Read


If you've ever dreamed of defying the odds in business or life, Richard Branson's journey outlined in "Screw It, Let's Do It" could be the nudge you need. It's not just Branson's personal anecdotes that make it a page-turner; his relentless optimism and daring approach to problems, both in business and global issues, offer a compelling blueprint for prospective trailblazers. Whether it's the thrill of space tourism or the practicality of sustainable business, there's inspiration to be found here.
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More From Less - How We Finally Stopped Using Up The World - And What Happens Next

Condition: Like New



Was: S$8.43

Recommendation: - More From Less is a game-changing book that challenges the pessimistic view of our environmental future. Andrew McAfee presents a compelling case for optimism as he explores how advancements in technology and capitalism have led to a shift towards using fewer resources while maintaining a comfortable life. This book will empower you with knowledge and inspire you to take action towards a more sustainable and prosperous future.

Being the Boss : The 3 Imperatives for Becoming a Great Leader

Condition: Very Good


Struggling with the transition to leadership? "Being the Boss" offers practical guidance, relatable stories, and deep insights into the transformative process of becoming an effective leader. It's like having a mentor guide you through the uncharted territory of managing yourself, others, and networks within the company you never knew you needed. Essential for any new manager or those looking to refine their leadership skills.
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Microeconomics : International Edition

Condition: Well Read



Was: S$7.00

Microeconomics: International Edition is an ideal textbook for students looking to gain a working knowledge of microeconomics beyond theoretical concepts. The book is renowned for being accurate, clearly written, and well-loved by professors and students. Its most unique feature is its practical approach to microeconomics, which gives it a distinct advantage over its competition. If you want a comprehensive guide to practical microeconomics, this is the right book for you.