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If the echoes of history and the raw intensity of young, forbidden love intrigue you, "In Memoriam" could be a profound experience. Alice Winn artfully weaves the grim realities of World War I with the emotional turbulence of unspoken affection between two friends. Your encounter with this book may resonate deeply, with its poignant exploration of societal constraints and the harrowing cost of war on personal lives.

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In Memoriam

ISBN: 9780241567821
Authors: Alice Winn
Publisher: Viking
Date of Publication: 2023-03-09
Format: Hardcover
Goodreads rating: 4.55
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If the echoes of history and the raw intensity of young, forbidden love intrigue you, "In Memoriam" could be a profound experience. Alice Winn artfully weaves the grim realities of World War I with the emotional turbulence of unspoken affection between two friends. Your encounter with this book may resonate deeply, with its poignant exploration of societal constraints and the harrowing cost of war on personal lives.

Riley is your virtual thrift companion, and here to help you find your next favourite read. You can also find in-stock similar reads linked by topic and genre here!