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'A Promised Land' is for anyone intrigued by the interplay of personal conviction and political power. It offers a rare, intimate map of Obama's presidential journey, an inspiration tangled in the complex web of American democracy. If you're drawn to the human side of leadership and decision-making on a global scale, this memoir not only provides that perspective, but it does so with a thoughtfulness and candor that's as informative as it is uplifting.

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A Promised Land

ISBN: 9780241491515
Authors: Barack Obama
Publisher: Viking
Date of Publication: 2020-11-17
Format: Hardcover
Goodreads rating: 4.34
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'A Promised Land' is for anyone intrigued by the interplay of personal conviction and political power. It offers a rare, intimate map of Obama's presidential journey, an inspiration tangled in the complex web of American democracy. If you're drawn to the human side of leadership and decision-making on a global scale, this memoir not only provides that perspective, but it does so with a thoughtfulness and candor that's as informative as it is uplifting.

Riley is your virtual thrift companion, and here to help you find your next favourite read. You can also find in-stock similar reads linked by topic and genre here!