In Praise Of: Essays

In this curation, we're spotlighting the essay! 

Essays can offer us exposure to experiences, and perspectives, and essays can be informative or intimate, so reading an essay can feel as if we're at a sharing, or in a conversation with some one we may not get to meet in reality. The essay, after all, is best for you if you'd like to read despite a busy schedule; it's easily finished when you're commuting, in the half an hour before you turn in.

Read more, in this blog post!

1 Result

1 Result

Four Feet Under - Thryft

Four Feet Under

Regular price $18.90 from $5.90 70% off

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Goodreads rating: 4.41

Regular price $18.90 from $5.90 70% off

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78% off est. retail

In stock: Very Good

Four Feet Under would be a good read for anyone looking to gain a deeper insight into the lives of London's homeless population. It provides a unique perspective into the challenges they face, from childhood to current day. The book is raw, real and touching, giving voice to those who are often invisible. The personal stories are accompanied by intimate photographic portraits, capturing the essence of the unique individuals that Tamsen met during her two months of listening and observation.