Books From University Presses

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Robert A. Dahl

How Democratic is the American Constitution?

from $13.46

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"How Democratic is the American Constitution?" is a must-read for those who are interested in questioning the status quo and thinking critically about how the American political system functions in comparison to other democratic systems. The book sheds light on significant antidemocratic elements such as the federal system, bicameral legislature, judicial review and others. It challenges the legitimacy of the American constitution and encourages readers to consider opportunities for creating a more democratic society. The book is well-researched, informative, and thought-provoking.

from $13.46

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Rodolphe De Koninck, Julie Drolet, Marc Girard

Singapore : An Atlas of Perpetual Territorial Transformation

from $3.09

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Since 1965, when it became a fully independent city-state, Singapore has been an effervescent laboratory of economic, social and environmental transformation and innovation. The government of the small island republlc, which currently covers about 720 sq km, has thoroughly transformed and extended the lands under its control to serve the needs and ambitions of its citizens. The systematic overhaul of the Singaporean environment reflects a deliberate policy of social transformation, a revolution controlled and monitored from above.While Singapore's achievements in the realm of economic and social development have been carefully observed, little has been said about the close connections between these accomplishments and territorial management. Based on an extended series of diachronic maps, this book illustrates the nature and depth of the territorial changes that have occurred since the early 1960s. The commentary that accompanies the maps shows how Singapore has used this ongoing territorial transformation to support its position in a globalized economy, and also as a tool of social and political management.

from $3.09

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Francis A. Boyle

World Politics and International Law

from $13.82

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This work tries to bridge the gap between international lawyers and those political scientists who write about international politics. In the first part, the author discusses the influence of Professor Morgenthau's realist school on the current thinking of political scientists and the abandonment of this school by its originator in the last years of his life. The author concludes that the best way to test the validity of different approaches is to discuss various international crises in the light of contrasting theories and to analyze each situation from both the legal and political points of view. In particular, he tries to ascertain to what extent vital national interests could be accommodated within an international legal framework, or could require a distortion of international rules in order to achieve national objectives. In the second part, the author dissects the Entebbe raid, where Israeli forces rescued a group of hostages being detained by hijackers at a Ugandan airport. His analysis shows the deficiencies of the international system in dealing with such a complex issue, where several contradictory principles of international law could be applied and were defended by various protagonists. The third part starts with a parallel problem--the Iranian hostages crisis, where a group of U.S. officials found themselves in an unprecedented situation of being captured by a band of students. A critical analysis of the handling of this problem by the Carter Administration is followed by vignettes of other crises faced by the Administration and by its successor, the Reagan Administration. This part is less analytical and more prescriptive. The author is no long satisfied with pointing out what went wrong; instead, he departs from the usual hands-off policy of political scientists and tries to indicate how much better each situation could have been handled if the decision makers had been paying more attention to international law and international organizations. The theme is slowly developed that in the long run national interest is better served not by practicing power politics and relying on the use of threat of force but by strengthening those international institutions that can provide a neutral environment for first slowing down a crisis and then finding an equitable solution acceptable to most of the parties in conflict. The value of this book lies primarily in giving the reader a real insight into several important issues of today that are familiar to most people only from newspaper headlines and television news. While not everybody can agree with all his criticisms of the mistakes of various governments, there is an honest attempt by the author to present issues impartially and to let the blame fall where it may. Being both an international lawyer and a political scientist, the author has had the advantage of combining the methodology of these two social sciences into a rich tapestry with some startling shades and tones.

from $13.82

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Richard D. Polenberg

The World of Benjamin Cardozo : Personal Values and the Judicial Process

from $15.48

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This book provides an in-depth insight into the life of Benjamin Cardozo- one of the most influential American judges and his jurisprudence. It examines how his childhood experiences, religious training, and personal views shaped his judgments on issues ranging from rape to conscientious objectors. The book highlights how his opinions continue to impact American law, and it offers readers a nuanced understanding of his liberalism through his rulings on the New Deal measures such as the Social Security Act.

from $15.48

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Professor Bruce Hoffman, Bruce Hoffman

Insider Terrorism

from $7.90

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Recommendation: - This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the complex nature of terrorism and its evolution over time. Bruce Hoffman does an exceptional job in dissecting the motivations, methods, and ideologies behind terrorist groups, challenging our preconceived notions. The book also delves into the role of media in promoting and combating terrorism, shedding light on the intricate relationship between politics, power, and the press. By exploring real-life examples and case studies, Hoffman provides valuable insights that will leave readers with a deeper understanding of this pressing global issue.

from $7.90

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Charles F. Sabel

Work and Politics : The Division of Labour in Industry

from $13.27

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Work and Politics develops a historical and comparative sociology of workplace relations in industrial capitalist societies. Professor Sabel argues that the system of mass production using specialized machines and mostly unskilled workers was the result of the distribution of power and wealth in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Great Britain and the United States, not of an inexorable logic of technological advance. Once in place, this system created the need for workers with systematically different ideas about the acquisition of skill and the desirability of long-term employment. Professor Sabel shows how capitalists have played on naturally existing division in the workforce in order to match workers with diverse ambitions to jobs in different parts of the labor market. But he also demonstrates the limits, different from work group to work group, of these forms of collaboration.

from $13.27

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Martha C. Nussbaum

Not For Profit : Why Democracy Needs the Humanities

from $11.21

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"Not for Profit by Martha Nussbaum is a must-read for anyone who cares about building a better world for future generations. Nussbaum offers a passionate and persuasive argument for the vital role of the humanities in education, and why we must resist efforts to reduce education to a mere tool to fuel economic growth. With her inspiring manifesto, Nussbaum serves as a true champion for the liberal arts and a reminder of their enduring value in creating competent, empathetic, and engaged democratic citizens of the world."

from $11.21

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Bruce Dickson

The Dictator's Dilemma : The Chinese Communist Party's Strategy for Survival

from $11.13

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The Dictator's Dilemma explains the factors that have contributed to the continued success of the Chinese Communist Party's regime. Through public opinion surveys, interviews, and published materials, the author highlights how the CCP has managed to be democratic in the eyes of its people, while still restricting political competition and accountability to the electorate. The book is recommended for anyone interested in understanding contemporary China's politics and the factors behind its increasing importance in world politics.

from $11.13

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Marco Politi, William McCuaig

Pope Francis Among the Wolves : The Inside Story of a Revolution

from $10.33

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Marco Politi takes us deep inside the power struggle roiling the Roman Curia and the Catholic Church worldwide, beginning with Benedict XVI, the pope who famously resigned in 2013, and intensifying with the contested and unexpected election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, archbishop of Buenos Aires, now known as Pope Francis. Politi's account balances the perspectives of Pope Francis's supporters, Benedict's sympathizers, and those disappointed members of the Catholic laity who feel alienated by the institution's secrecy, financial corruption, and refusal to modernize.Politi dramatically recounts the sexual scandals that have rocked the church and the accusations of money laundering and other financial misdeeds swirling around the Vatican and the Italian Catholic establishment. Pope Francis has tried to shine a light on these crimes, but his work has been met with resistance from entrenched factions. Politi writes of the decline in church attendance and vocations to the priesthood throughout the world as the church continues to prohibit divorced and remarried Catholics from receiving the communion wafer. He visits European parishes where women now perform the functions of missing male priests--and where the remaining parishioners would welcome the admission of women to the priesthood, if the church would allow it.Pope Francis's emphasis on pastoral compassion for all who struggle with the burden of family life has also provoked the ire of traditionalists in the Roman Curia and elsewhere. He knows from personal experience what life is like for the poor in Buenos Aires and other metropolises of the globalized world, and highlights the contrast between the vital, vibrant faith of these parishioners and the disillusionment of European Catholics. Pope Francis and his supporters are locked in a battle with the defenders of the traditional hard line and with ecclesiastical corruption. In this conflict, the future of Catholicism is at stake--and it is far from certain Francis will succeed in saving the institution from decline.

from $10.33

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Rachel Bronson

Thicker Than Oil : America's Uneasy Partnership with Saudi Arabia

from $6.69

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For fifty-five years, the United States and Saudi Arabia were solid partners. Then came the 9/11 attacks, which sorely tested that relationship. In Thicker than Oil , Rachel Bronson reveals why the partnership became so intimate and how the countries' shared interests sowed the seeds oftoday's most pressing problem--Islamic radicalism.Drawing on a wide range of archival material, declassified documents, and interviews with leading Saudi and American officials, Bronson chronicles a history of close, and always controversial, contacts. She argues that contrary to popular belief the relationship was never simply about "oilfor security." Saudi Arabia's geographic location and religiously motivated foreign policy figured prominently in American efforts to defeat "godless communism." From Africa to Afghanistan, Egypt to Nicaragua, the two worked to beat back Soviet expansion. But decisions made for hardheaded ColdWar purposes left behind a legacy that today enflames the Middle East.In this landmark work, Bronson exposes the political calculations that drove this secretive relationship. Her lively narrative is interwoven with colorful stories of diplomatic adventures and misadventures--including details of high-level backchannel conversations, awkward cross-culturalencounters, and a bizarre American request for the Saudi government to subsidize Polish pork exports, a demand the U.S. Ambassador refused to deliver. Looking forward, she outlines the challenges confronting the relationship. The Saudi government faces a zealous internal opposition bent onAmerica's and Saudi Arabia's destruction. Yet from the perspective of both countries, the status quo is clearly unsustainable. This book shows how this crucial relationship evolved, and suggests ways to chart its future course.

from $6.69

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Tom Campbell

Seven Theories of Human Society

from $26.27

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This book is perfect for anyone interested in sociology or anthropology. It provides a clear and concise overview of the most important contributors to these fields. Each chapter dives deep into the theories put forth by some of the most influential thinkers in history. The author presents their ideas in a well-organized manner, making them easy to follow and understand. Overall, this is a must-read for anyone looking to expand their knowledge of human society and its workings.

from $26.27

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Hayden White, Michael S. Roth

Metahistory : Historical Imagination in Nineteenth Century Europe

from $9.71

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Metahistory could be a good read for history enthusiasts who are interested in exploring the deeper meaning and poetic nature of historical interpretation. Through Hayden White's argument that historical texts contain a latent linguistic element, readers will be challenged to think critically about historical explanation and interpretation. This book is a unique and fascinating exploration of the hidden messages within historical texts.

from $9.71

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Aihwa Ong

Neoliberalism As Exception - Mutations In Citizenship And Sovereignty

from $5.07

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This book is a great read for those interested in exploring the changing nature of citizenship and sovereignty in the modern world. Aihwa Ong's analysis of the impact of neoliberalism on immigration and transnational populations offers a fresh perspective on the topic. Ong's writing style is clear and concise, making complex concepts accessible to readers of all backgrounds. Overall, Neoliberalism As Exception is a thought-provoking and insightful work that is highly recommended for anyone interested in the politics of citizenship and sovereignty.

from $5.07

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Andrew Sheng

From Asian to Global Financial Crisis: An Asian Regulator's View of Unfettered Finance in the 1990s and 2000s

Regular price $26.90 from $19.90 Save up to 27%

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If you're intrigued by the intricate world of finance and keen to unravel the complex causes behind major economic downturns, this book offers a rare behind-the-scenes look. It's penned by someone who experienced the tumultuous waves of market upheaval firsthand, giving you a front-row seat to the decisions and policies that shaped the financial landscape of the '90s and '00s. This could really resonate if you enjoy deep dives into economic history and policy analysis.

Regular price $26.90 from $19.90 Save up to 27%

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Eduardo Mendieta, Richard Rorty

Take Care of Freedom and Truth Will Take Care of Itself : Interviews with Richard Rorty

Regular price $9.78 from $6.85 Save up to 30%

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This book could be a good read for those interested in understanding the relevance of philosophy in American political and public life. It provides candid insights into Richard Rorty's political beliefs and his engagement in labor and union traditions in the country. Users would appreciate the colloquial language used throughout the interviews, making it a compelling and accessible read for anyone seeking to engage in social and political commentary.

Regular price $9.78 from $6.85 Save up to 30%

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Nicholas Vincent

Magna Carta: A Very Short Introduction

from $6.05

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The Magna Carta is arguably the greatest constitutional document in recorded history, yet few people today understand either its contents or its context. This Very Short Introduction , which includes a full English translation of the 1215 Magna Carta, introduces the document to a modern audience, explaining its origins in the troubled reign of King John, and tracing the significant role that it played thereafter as a symbol of the subject's right to protection against the absolute authority of the sovereign. Drawing upon the great advances that have been made in our understanding of thirteenth-century English history, Nicholas Vincent demonstrates why the Magna Carta remains hugely significant today.

from $6.05

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Anthony Yazaki, Rohan Mukherjee

Poised for Partnership : Deepening India-Japan Relations in the Asian Century

Regular price $6.07 from $5.07 Save up to 16%

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This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning about the India-Japan relationship and how to strengthen it further. The book covers a wide range of topics such as trade, investment, energy security, and global governance. The contributors offer insightful perspectives on their respective countries' interests, achievements, obstacles and propose concrete policies to ensure a lasting partnership. The book is a must-read for policymakers from both sides and anyone interested in the future of Asia.

Regular price $6.07 from $5.07 Save up to 16%

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Danielle S. Allen

Talking to Strangers : Anxieties of Citizenship since Brown v. Board of Education

from $12.62

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This book is a must-read for anyone interested in improving their understanding of trust and citizenship in modern society. Allen tackles issues around interracial distrust, personal and political alienation, and suspicion of others by proposing techniques of citizenship based on political friendship. Sacrifice is central to this book, as it bridges citizenship and trust. Allen's insights are both trenchant and incisive, and she offers practical solutions for recognizing and reciprocating our daily sacrifices in a democracy. Talking to Strangers provides a renewed sense of hope for a revitalized democratic citizenry.

from $12.62

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John Tedeschi, Carlo Ginzburg, Anne Tedeschi

Clues, Myths, and the Historical Method

from $9.52

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Clues, Myths, and the Historical Method by Carlo Ginzburg could be a good read for those interested in exploring historical analysis in diverse methods and objects. The book delves into the works of an essential Italian historian and offers a fresh perspective in cultural studies. Users would appreciate the unique and distinctive feature of the author's approach to history through analyzing clues and myths.

from $9.52

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John Pinder, Simon Usherwood

The European Union: A Very Short Introduction

from $4.75

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This book is a great way to gain a comprehensive understanding of the European Union, from its inception to current times. It covers the Union's history, functioning and institutions, as well as its role beyond Europe. The updated edition covers the Lisbon treaty, the EU fiscal crisis, and the future of the Union. If you are interested in politics and international affairs, this book is a must-read.

from $4.75

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Anthony Reid

To Nation by Revolution : Indonesia in the 20th Century

from $12.13

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Recommendation: "To Nation by Revolution" offers a comprehensive analysis of modern Indonesian history, emphasizing the importance of political revolution as a means to achieve national unity. The author, Anthony Reid, draws comparisons to the French revolution and explores the consequences of the revolution in terms of violence, suffering, and loss of cultural traditions. This book is recommended for anyone interested in understanding the complex history of Indonesia and the impact of revolution on the nation-state.

from $12.13

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John Cantrell, Neil Smith

20th Century History for Cambridge IGCSE®

from $3.88

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This book is recommended for students seeking mastery.

from $3.88

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unknown author

Mental Disorders And The Law

from $6.34

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This book could be a good read for anyone interested in understanding how mental disorders intersect with the legal system. By providing a comprehensive overview of both the psychiatric and legal aspects of the subject matter, the authors aim to fill a gap in the literature and offer practical guidance for clinicians, lawyers, and other interested individuals. With a focus on Singapore and Malaysia, the book also offers comparative evaluations with materials from other countries, making it a valuable resource for understanding the complexities of mental disorders and the law.

from $6.34

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Christopher J. Hill, Michael Smith

International Relations And The European Union

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 Save up to 30%

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This book is an insightful guide to the European Union's role in global affairs, focusing on its power, processes, and place in the international community. The authors skillfully examine the EU's impact on the global stage, making it an essential read for students and practitioners of international relations.

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 Save up to 30%

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Jonathan Renshon

Fighting for Status : Hierarchy and Conflict in World Politics

from $15.48

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This book is a must-read for those interested in understanding the importance of status in global politics. Renshon's innovative approach combines statistical analysis, historical case studies, and a lab experiment to provide a compelling look at the causes and consequences of status dynamics on the global stage. Readers will gain insights into the nature of prestige in international conflicts, why states want status, how they get it, and the strategies they use to maximize or salvage their standing. Renshon moves beyond a focus on major powers and shows how different states construct status communities of peer competitors that shift over time.

from $15.48

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John Lewis Gaddis

The United States And The End Of The Cold War - Implications, Reconsiderations, Provocations

from $3.88

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This book is an insightful reassessment of the Cold War, shedding new light on its ending and its aftermath. The author, John Lewis Gaddis, provides a fresh assessment of the evolution of the war and offers thoughtful essays on the history of international relations during the last half century, including espionage, morality and containment. Gaddis concludes with a consideration of the problems and forces at work in the post-Cold War world. This is a great read for anyone interested in Cold War history and its implications on the future.

from $3.88

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Alexander M. Bickel

The Supreme Court and the Idea of Progress

Regular price $5.05 from $3.03 Save up to 40%

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Timeless questions about the role of the Supreme Court in the American political and legal system are raised in the late Alexander Bickel’s characteristically astute analysis of the work of the Warren Court. He takes issue with the Court’s view that its role should be to move the American polity in the direction of perfect equality and expresses his preference for "a more faithful adherence to the method of analytical reason, and a less confident reliance on the intuitive capacity to identify the course of progress."First published in 1970, this book made news with its prediction that the Court’s best-known decision, in Brown v. Board of Education, might be headed for "irrelevance." Bickel charged the Court, particularly in its segregation and reapportionment cases, with being irrational, inconsistent, and even incoherent and argued that its decisions would lead to unwise centralization of government. He explored the limitations on the role of the court in stimulating social progress and concluded that the Warren Court had intervened in matters of social policy where the political process, not judicial action, should apply."Process is what especially concerned him – the relationship between the legal and the political process in a country where the two are uniquely intermixed. If he criticized something done by the courts for the stated purpose of speeding school desegregation, that did not mean that he favored state-imposed racial discrimination; in fact he abhorred it. He was concerned, rather, about trying to solve complicated problems by legal formulas instead of leaving them to the give-and-take of the political process."-- Anthony Lewis

Regular price $5.05 from $3.03 Save up to 40%

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C. Wright Mills

The Sociological Imagination

from $6.48

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C. Wright Mills is best remembered for his highly acclaimed work The Sociological Imagination , in which he set forth his views on how social science should be pursued. Hailed upon publication as a cogent and hard-hitting critique, The Sociological Imagination took issue with the ascendant schools of sociology in the United States, calling for a humanist sociology connecting the social, personal, and historical dimensions of our lives. The sociological imagination Mills calls for is a sociological vision, a way of looking at the world that can see links between the apparently private problems of the individual and important social issues.

from $6.48

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