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1186 Results

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This Child Must Die Ruck, Anne

Condition: Very Good



Was: $9.86

This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the complex dynamics of missionary work in a foreign culture. Anne Ruck shares her experiences and insights on how to navigate delicate relationships with sensitivity and respect, while also preserving the unique culture of the people she worked with. The book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in cross-cultural communication and building bridges between different worlds.
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Prayer Shield

Condition: Well Read



Was: $8.43

The book is a comprehensive guide to intercessory prayer for pastors and Christian leaders. It teaches the biblical basis for intercessory prayer, who is and who isn't an intercessor, how to recruit prayer partners, and the three types of personal intercessors. This book can be a good read for those who want to become more involved in spiritual warfare and support those who advance God's kingdom on earth. It can help readers understand the importance of praying for their leaders and provide them with the tools to become personal intercessors.
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The Greatest Story as told through stamps

Condition: Like New



Was: $11.29

This book would be a good read for stamp collectors and history buffs who are interested in exploring the intersections of religion, culture, and art. The unique feature of this book lies in its beautifully illustrated collection of stamps from around the world, which not only depict biblical events but also showcase the diversity of global stamp art. The author's extensive knowledge and expertise in the subject make this book a comprehensive and captivating journey through the stories recorded in the Bible, as depicted on stamps from different nations and continents. It is a visual and educational feast that will leave readers with a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of faith, history, and philately.
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Discovery of Genesis

Condition: Very Good



Was: $12.82

If you're intrigued by the intersection of language and ancient beliefs, "Discovery of Genesis" offers a fascinating lens into how the Chinese language might hold echoes of the biblical creation narrative. It's like embarking on a linguistic treasure hunt, delving into characters and uncovering possible connections to the God of Abraham. It's a short read but packed with insights that might change the way you look at language and history.
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Anchored: Finding Peace in the Storms of Life - A 28-Day Devotional

Condition: Very Good



Was: $5.57

- This book could be a good read for anyone going through challenging times and seeking comfort and guidance. Anchored provides a 28-day devotional journey that helps readers find peace in the midst of life's storms. Joseph Prince's inspiring writing and spiritual insights offer practical wisdom and encouragement, making this book a valuable companion for those seeking solace and strength in their faith.

Discovering Christmas Customs and Folklore - A Guide to Seasonal Rites Throughout the World

Condition: Well Read


If you're someone intrigued by how different cultures celebrate the same holiday, this read is a treasure trove! "Discovering Christmas Customs And Folklore" takes you on a journey across borders, revealing how the festive spirit manifests through unique customs and rituals. It will enrich your appreciation of the holiday season, blending the warmth of tradition with the excitement of discovery.
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Prayers For All Seasons

Condition: Like New



Was: $11.29

"Prayers For All Seasons" is a must-read for individuals seeking comfort and guidance in their daily spiritual life. The book provides a diverse range of prayers for all seasons and Christian holidays, making it a versatile resource and perfect for those who require structure in their worship routine. The thoughtful and concise language in each prayer invites readers to reflect and connect with their faith, making this an ideal book for both personal use and group worship.

Laughter for a Woman's Soul: Revive Your Spirit with Women of Faith

Condition: Like New


If you're looking for a light-hearted read that blends humor with spiritual insight, this book should be right up your alley. It's a collection of hilarious stories from various Women of Faith that not only provide a good chuckle but also a sense of connection to a larger community. The stories convey how laughter and faith can be intertwined, making it an uplifting book to help brighten your day.
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One Year Jesus Bible Devotional, The

Condition: Well Read



Was: $8.43

This devotional is perfect for teens who are seeking to deepen their relationship with Jesus and grow in their faith. Through daily readings, the author presents Jesus as a Savior who can break through any boundary and stereotype. The book provides a practical guide on how to apply biblical principles to everyday life, making it a valuable tool for anyone who wants to live a life that honors God. Overall, this devotional is a must-read for any teenager who wants to grow in their faith and discover what it means to follow Jesus.
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The Resurrection : Fact or Fiction?

Condition: Very Good



Was: $9.86

Recommendation: This book provides a thorough investigative analysis on the topic of the Resurrection. It offers compelling arguments for both facts and fiction surrounding the topic, leaving the reader to make their own informed conclusion. A short but thought-provoking read for anyone interested in exploring the topic of the Resurrection further.
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Following Jesus in the "Real World" : Discipleship for the Post-College Years

Condition: Very Good



Was: $11.87

This book is a great read for recent college graduates who are struggling with finding their footing in the 'real world.' Lamb offers practical advice on how to maintain discipleship in a time of uncertainty while sharing stories of recent graduates who have gone through similar experiences. At its core, the book emphasizes the importance of maintaining a strong relationship with God even after graduation and provides guidance on how to do so.
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A Passionate Commitment : Capturing Your Sense of Purpose

Condition: Very Good



Was: $9.86

A Passionate Commitment by Crawford Loritts can be a good read for someone who feels unfulfilled in their Christian life and wants to rediscover their sense of purpose. Loritts challenges readers to examine their priorities and understand God's purpose for their lives. Readers can expect to gain insights on how to revive their passion for God and live a more fulfilling life.
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Practicing the Sabbath with Community

Condition: Like New



Was: $11.29

Practicing the Sabbath with Community is an excellent book for individuals who wish to understand and cherish the importance of rest and relaxation in their life. The book explains the significance of Sabbath rest in a community setting, and how one can embrace its principles in today's fast-paced world. The book is highly recommended for those who wish to lead a meaningful life, free from stress and anxiety.
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The Disciple's Victory

Condition: Well Read



Was: $8.43

This book would be a good read for someone seeking to deepen their faith and overcome challenges. The Disciple's Victory offers a six-week study that helps believers strengthen their prayer lives and develop skills in using God's Word. Through this journey, readers will experience the power of prayer and learn how to triumph over the world, the flesh, and the devil. With additional resources available, such as leader helps and videos, this book provides a comprehensive guide for spiritual growth and discovering God's direction for the future.
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The Missing Cornerstone Reasons Why Couples Choose Natural Family Planning in Their Marriage

Condition: Very Good



Was: $9.86

This book is a must-read for couples interested in Natural Family Planning. Through the stories of 48 couples, Fr. Tham takes readers on a journey towards a deeper understanding of love and responsible parenthood. He challenges the prevalent contraceptive mentality and offers a Christ-centered alternative. With a focus on spiritual growth and a commitment to building strong marriages, this book provides practical insights and guidance for couples seeking a more meaningful and fulfilling life together.

Absolute Surrender

Condition: Well Read


If you're feeling like your spiritual walk has hit a plateau, "Absolute Surrender" might offer the breakthrough you need. Andrew Murray's probing insights delve into why surrender feels so difficult yet remains critical for deepening your relationship with the divine. It's like a thoughtful friend challenging you to let go of the reins completely and trust in a greater plan.
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The Secret To Healing Cancer: A Chinese Psychiatrist And Family Doctor Presents His Amazing Method For Curing Cancer Through Psychological And Spiritual Growth

Condition: Very Good



Was: $12.38

This book is a must-read for anyone looking for an alternative approach to cancer treatment. Dr. Tien-Sheng Hsu's unique method focuses on the healing power of the mind and spirit, offering a holistic approach to cancer treatment. Through a combination of psychological growth and spiritual transformation, Dr. Hsu guides patients on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, igniting the body's natural ability to heal. If you're seeking a new perspective on cancer treatment, this book will inspire and empower you to tap into your inner healing potential.
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The Forgiveness Project: The Startling Discovery of How to Overcome Cancer, Find Health, and Achieve Peace

Condition: Well Read



Was: $9.88

Recommendation: This book offers a unique perspective on the connection between forgiveness and physical health, specifically focusing on cancer patients. The author, Michael Barry, combines thorough research, real-life stories, and practical strategies to help readers understand how forgiveness can contribute to healing and finding peace. With its accessible language and easy-to-follow steps, The Forgiveness Project offers a valuable resource for Christians who want to let go of past wrongs and experience holistic healing.
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God Is There in the Tough Times : Turning Your Disappointments into Hope

Condition: Well Read



Was: $8.43

This book could be a good read for someone looking for a faith-based approach to overcoming difficult times. The book offers a sense of hope and confidence, reminding readers that God is always there to help them face their crises. Its strong biblical message and special reference guide provide practical advice and guidance to those struggling with rejection, guilt, fear, and other personal crises.
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Restoring the Christian Family

Condition: Well Read



Was: $8.43

This book is for anyone seeking guidance and inspiration on building strong and spiritual family relationships. John Loren Sandford delivers a timely and prophetic message, urging readers to embrace the biblical patterns of family life. With practical insights and heartfelt wisdom, "Restoring the Christian Family" provides a clear blueprint to help navigate the challenges of modern times, ultimately bringing restoration and harmony to your family and relationships.
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Mass possession: a true story! : tales of the supernatural and natural

Condition: Very Good



Was: $9.86

Mass Possession could be a good read for those interested in true accounts of supernatural occurrences. This book tells the story of a powerful spirit that comes down on a group of people, transforming them in unimaginable ways. The author does an excellent job of detailing each person's transformation, making it a gripping read. Readers who enjoy exploring the mysterious world of spirits and possession will find this book both fascinating and chilling.
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Greatest Love

Condition: Well Read



Was: $7.00

Recommendation: This book is a must-read for those who seek to understand the true essence of love. Scroggie's vivid analysis of I Corinthians 13 unveils the power, purpose, and positivity of love, making this book a gentle but indispensable guide for all who believe in the loving power of human connection.
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The Equanimous Mind

Condition: Well Read



Was: $9.88

If you've been contemplating the benefits of mindfulness and meditation, "The Equanimous Mind" might resonate with you. Manish Chopra's experiences offer a real-world glimpse into how Vipassana can profoundly affect one's life, with candid insights that could help guide your own journey towards inner peace.
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Excellence: Run with the Horses

Condition: Well Read



Was: $9.88

This book could be a good read for someone who wants to break free from the ordinary life and strive for excellence. Eugene Peterson's insightful perspectives and practical wisdom will inspire you to live a life of courage and purpose, pushing you to go beyond your limits. Through six thought-provoking studies, this book will empower you to discover and pursue God's goals for your life, helping you unlock your true potential and achieve greatness. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey towards a life of excellence and fulfillment.

Feng Shui - Health, Harmony & Happiness (The Practical Encyclopedia of Feng Shui by Hale + Mind, Body, Spirit by Evans)

Condition: Very Good


This boxed set of two oversized books is a treasure trove of knowledge for anyone seeking balance, peace, and prosperity in their life. Combining the practicality of the encyclopedia of feng shui and the spiritual wisdom of mind, body, spirit, this comprehensive guide provides you with the tools and techniques to create harmonious energy in your home and achieve overall well-being. Whether you're interested in decluttering, enhancing relationships, or attracting abundance, this set is a must-have for anyone looking to transform their space and improve their quality of life.
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Speak The Culture - Poland : Be Fluent In Polish Life And Culture

Condition: Very Good



Was: $9.86

If you're planning to travel to Poland, this book will guide you through the country's rich cultural history, art, literature, theatre, music, cinema, and much more. Written in collaboration with the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Speak the Culture: Poland provides a succinct and colorful overview of the key events, figures, and customs of this historic nation, helping readers develop a fully rounded knowledge of Poland.
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Faith & Fiction - The Fallacy Of The Da Vinci Code And The Facts Of Christianity

Condition: Well Read



Was: $8.43

Faith & Fiction is a must-read for anyone who's been caught in the spell of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. With a clear and concise writing style, Robert M. Solomon presents verifiable facts about Christianity, debunking the myths perpetuated in Brown's novel. The book doesn't shy away from its religious message and aims to reaffirm the faith of Christian readers while encouraging non-believers to take a closer look at the historical evidence behind the world's dominant religion.
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Encouraging Thoughts for Women - Joy

Condition: Very Good



Was: $9.86

This book could be a good read for women who are looking for daily inspiration and a positive outlook on life. The book features simple yet powerful devotions, prayers, and bible promises that could bring comfort, joy, and encouragement to their day. The memorable quotes and blessings could also uplift their spirits and help them find hope in any situation. Overall, this book is an excellent resource for women who want to start or end their day with a positive perspective.

Karma and Reincarnation - The Vedāntic Perspective

Condition: Well Read


If you're fascinated by the intricate workings of karma and the concept of reincarnation, then "Karma and Reincarnation - The Vedāntic Perspective" will be a treasure trove for you. Swami Muni Narayana Prasad offers a profound examination rooted in key Hindu scriptures. His unique approach as an Advaitin brings a non-dualistic perspective that could expand your understanding of these timeless spiritual teachings.
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The Abundance Principle - 5 Keys To Extraordinary Living

Condition: Well Read



Was: $9.88

This book is a must-read for anyone seeking a roadmap to a truly fulfilling life. Through simple yet transformative principles, the authors guide you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you uncover your true calling and unleash your full potential. Drawing on ancient wisdom and practical exercises, The Abundance Principle empowers you to take control of your thoughts and passions, leading you to a life of extraordinary living. Get ready to embrace abundance and unlock the secret to true happiness and fulfillment.