
Find in our Politics section critical commentaries on America and Asia, and insightful memoirs by political figures such as Lee Kuan Yew, Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

949 Results

949 Results

Nina Willner

Forty Autumns : A Family's Story of Courage and Survival on Both Sides of the Berlin Wall

from $15.83

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"Forty Autumns" is a captivating memoir set in East Germany during the Cold War. It tells the story of five women separated by the Berlin Wall and their eventual reunion after years of longing. The book offers a personal and emotional account of life under Communist rule, as well as insights into the work of an intelligence officer. With vivid descriptions and a strong sense of familial love, "Forty Autumns" is a compelling read for anyone interested in history, espionage, and the human experience.

from $15.83

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Freddy Orchard

Bold Vision: The Untold Story of Singapore’s Reserves and Its Sovereign Wealth Fund

from $12.80

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Recommendation: - This book provides a captivating and informative account of the founding of GIC, Singapore's sovereign wealth fund, and its transformation into a global powerhouse. The book delves into the experiences and motivations of Dr Goh Keng Swee, shedding light on the visionary thinking that shaped Singapore's economic success. With its engaging storytelling, readers will gain invaluable insights into the resilience and ingenuity that have propelled Singapore's growth.

from $12.80

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Ben Sasse

The Vanishing American Adult : Our Coming-of-Age Crisis - and How to Rebuild a Culture of Self-Reliance

from $15.37

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"The Vanishing American Adult" is a thought-provoking read that sheds light on the issues young Americans face with delayed or nonexistent coming-of-age experiences. Senator Ben Sasse eloquently diagnoses the root of the problem and provides practical steps to raise responsible and engaged citizens. He emphasizes the importance of experiences such as working with your hands, traveling, and reading to instill self-reliance in young people. This book would be an excellent resource for parents, educators, and policymakers looking to equip the younger generation with the tools necessary to thrive in a highly competitive global economy.

from $15.37

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Ashley Lukashevsky, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez

Imaginary Borders

from $7.12

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Recommended for readers seeking passionate environmental advocacy.

from $7.12

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Stephen Colbert

America Again : Re-Becoming the Greatness We Never Weren't: Now in 3-D High-Def Depthiness!

from $13.24

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America Again is a satirical take on various aspects of American society, from healthcare to the economy. Stephen Colbert uses humor to critique the issues facing the country and offers a dose of truth to get America back on track. This book is recommended for those who enjoy a comedic perspective on current events and are interested in American politics and societal issues.

from $13.24

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Gianluigi Nuzzi

Merchants In The Temple - Inside Pope Francis's Secret Battle Against Corruption In The Vatican

from $5.07

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From a bestselling author with unprecedented access to Pope Francis, an investigative look at the recent financial scandals at the highest levels of the VaticanA veritable war is waging in the on one side, there is Pope Francis’s strong message for one church of the poor and all; on the other, there is the old Curia with its endless enemies, and the old and new lobbies struggling to preserve their not-so-Christian privileges.The old guard do not back down, they are ready to use all means necessary to stay in control and continue the immoral way they conduct their business. They resist reforms sought by Pope Francis and seek to delegitimize their opponents, to isolate those who want to eliminate corruption. It’s a war that will determine the future of the church. And if he loses the battle against secular interests and blackmail, Pope Francis could resign, much like his predecessor.Based on confidential information―including top secret documents from inside the Vatican, and actual transcripts of Pope Francis’s admonishments to the papal court about the lack of financial oversight and responsibility― Merchants in the Temple illustrates all the undercover work conducted by the Pope since his election and shows the reader who his real enemies are. It reveals the instruments Francis is using to reform the Vatican and rid it, once and for all, of the overwhelming corruption traditionally encrusted in the Roman Catholic Church.Merchants in the Temple is a startling book that will shock every reader. It’s a story worthy of a Dan Brown novel, with its electrifying details of the trickery and scheming against the papacy―except that it is real.

from $5.07

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Andrew G. McCabe

The Threat : How the FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump

from $6.71

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"The Threat" offers a gripping, candid account of Andrew G. McCabe's career in the FBI, from fighting Russian organized crime to preventing terrorist attacks on Americans. McCabe's personal story of his firing under President Trump adds an extra layer of suspense to this compelling narrative. Readers interested in the workings of the FBI and its role in protecting America against both external and internal threats will find this book both informative and captivating.

from $6.71

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Adam Hochschild

King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa

from $27.52

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In the 1880s, as the European powers were carving up Africa, King Leopold II of Belgium seized for himself the vast and mostly unexplored territory surrounding the Congo River. Carrying out a genocidal plundering of the Congo, he looted its rubber, brutalized its people, and ultimately slashed its population by ten million—all the while shrewdly cultivating his reputation as a great humanitarian. Heroic efforts to expose these crimes eventually led to the first great human rights movement of the twentieth century, in which everyone from Mark Twain to the Archbishop of Canterbury participated.King Leopold's Ghost is the haunting account of a megalomaniac of monstrous proportions, a man as cunning, charming, and cruel as any of the great Shakespearean villains. It is also the deeply moving portrait of those who fought Leopold: a brave handful of missionaries, travelers, and young idealists who went to Africa for work or adventure and unexpectedly found themselves witnesses to a holocaust. Adam Hochschild brings this largely untold story alive with the wit and skill of a Barbara Tuchman. Like her, he knows that history often provides a far richer cast of characters than any novelist could invent. Chief among them is Edmund Morel, a young British shipping agent who went on to lead the international crusade against Leopold. Another hero of this tale, the Irish patriot Roger Casement, ended his life on a London gallows. Two courageous black Americans, George Washington Williams and William Sheppard, risked much to bring evidence of the Congo atrocities to the outside world. Sailing into the middle of the story was a young Congo River steamboat officer named Joseph Conrad. And looming above them all, the duplicitous billionaire King Leopold II.With great power and compassion, King Leopold's Ghost will brand the tragedy of the Congo—too long forgotten—onto the conscience of the West.

from $27.52

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Carol Leonnig, Philip Rucker

A Very Stable Genius : Donald J. Trump's Testing of America

from $6.71

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A Very Stable Genius would be a good read for anyone interested in American politics and the inner workings of the Trump administration. This book provides an in-depth look into Trump's presidency, including the scandals and chaos that surrounded it. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the impact of Trump's presidency on America's democracy and its people. The book's most unique feature is the unprecedented access the authors had to insiders who witnessed Trump's behavior firsthand, providing a gripping and authentic insider's view of his presidency.

from $6.71

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Stephen J. Dubner

Superfreakonomics : Global Cooling, Patriotic Prostitutes and Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Life Insurance

from $5.71

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Review: Superfreakonomics is a fascinating exploration of unconventional economic principles that will challenge your preconceived notions. Levitt and Dubner dive deep into controversial topics, presenting mind-bending truths that are backed by unexpected economic insights. From discussing the surprising risks of walking drunk to the intriguing dynamics between prostitutes and policemen, this book will keep you engaged from start to finish. Prepare to have your perspective shifted and your assumptions shattered as you explore the hidden side of societal issues.

from $5.71

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Chinmaya Yuva Kendra

Awakening Indians to India(Hard Bound)

from $3.88

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This book is a brilliant insight into India's rich culture and heritage, with a particular focus on how today's youth can better understand and appreciate it. The author's passion for the subject is contagious, and his writing style is engaging and accessible. Highly recommended for anyone wanting to deepen their understanding of India's history and culture.

from $3.88

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Doug Guthrie

Dragon In A Three-Piece Suit - The Emergence Of Capitalism In China

from $3.88

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This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the complex history and dynamics of China's economic transition to capitalism. Guthrie provides a detailed analysis of how state control and traditional cultural norms have impacted the development of Chinese firms and society as a whole. His interviews with key players and firsthand experience provide a unique perspective that sheds light on the challenges and opportunities in the Chinese business world. Overall, this book is insightful and informative, making it a valuable resource for academics, policymakers, and business professionals alike.

from $3.88

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Nigel Hamilton

Bill Clinton

Regular price $12.17 from $8.52 Save up to 30%

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This book is a gripping account of Bill Clinton's tumultuous presidency. Through detailed research and insightful analysis, Nigel Hamilton shows how Clinton faced up to his failures and refashioned himself in the White House. It is a must-read for anyone interested in modern American politics, with a nuanced portrait of a president who weathered overwhelming challenges to become one of the most popular leaders of the Western world.

Regular price $12.17 from $8.52 Save up to 30%

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Richard Sennett

The Fall of Public Man

Regular price $7.53 from $5.27 Save up to 30%

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Recommendation: The Fall of Public Man is a thought-provoking analysis of the decline in public life and political involvement in recent decades. Richard Sennett's erudition and historical imagination brilliantly describe the growing imbalance between private and public experience in modern society. This book provides a fascinating perspective on the relationship between public life and the cult of the individual, and argues for a more formal public culture to reconnect with our communities.

Regular price $7.53 from $5.27 Save up to 30%

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Craig Unger

House of Bush, House of Saud : The Secret Relationship Between the World's Two Most Powerful Dynasties

Regular price $11.52 from $8.06 Save up to 30%

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This book is recommended for those interested in understanding the complex relationships between politics and business. Through in-depth research and interviews with high-profile figures, Unger sheds light on the murky connections between the Bush family and the House of Saud, and the impact it had on American foreign policy, national security, and business. It provides a different perspective to official explanations, making it a must-read for those seeking to unravel the hidden power dynamics behind world events.

Regular price $11.52 from $8.06 Save up to 30%

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Nigel Hamilton

Bill Clinton : An American Journey

from $12.62

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This book would appeal to readers who are interested in the personal and political life of Bill Clinton, and how they evolved together. The book offers insights into the sexual politics of the time and its impact on Clinton's life. The book also covers Clinton's rise to power and his ultimate election as President. Readers would appreciate the detailed account of his life, including his time at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. Overall, this book provides a thorough examination of Bill Clinton's journey, making it a good read for anyone interested in politics and personal life of historical figures.

from $12.62

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Anderson Cooper

Dispatches from the Edge : A Memoir of War, Disasters and Survival

from $9.46

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This book is a gripping memoir that takes readers on a whirlwind journey through some of the world's most dangerous crises. Anderson Cooper's personal experiences as a journalist provide a unique perspective, making this book an intense and captivating read. From covering political battles to natural disasters, Cooper's emotional storytelling will leave readers on the edge of their seats, gaining a rare insight into the chaos and conflict that shapes our world. Get ready for an adrenaline-fueled adventure unlike any other.

from $9.46

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Mattias Klum, Peter Miller, Johan Rockström

Big World, Small Planet : Abundance within Planetary Boundaries

from $11.92

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"Big World, Small Planet" is a must-read for those interested in a positive future for the planet. Through a combination of science, storytelling, and photography, Johan Rockstroem and Mattias Klum offer a new narrative that rejects the notion that economic growth and human prosperity must come at the expense of the environment. Instead, they offer a vision of a "good Anthropocene," where humanity becomes planetary stewards and reclaims our connection to the Earth. This book is essential reading for anyone looking for profound optimism about our planet's future.

from $11.92

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Said Zahari

Dark Clouds at Dawn : A Political Memoir

from $5.07

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Dark Clouds at Dawn is a must-read for those interested in political history and the ever-changing landscape of politics. The book offers insight into Said's personal experiences, as well as the political climate of the time, making it a fascinating and informative read. Said's unique perspective is the most distinctive feature of this book and sets it apart from other political memoirs. Overall, Dark Clouds at Dawn is a captivating and thought-provoking memoir that is both informative and entertaining.

from $5.07

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Sree Kumar

Southeast Asia : The Diversity Dilemma

from $11.60

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Southeast Asia: The Diversity Dilemma provides an insightful look into the complex identity and diversity of Southeast Asia, exploring both the intra-regional concerns and external forces that shape the region. This book is recommended for those interested in understanding the development and evolution of Southeast Asia's regional identity in the context of global influences.

from $11.60

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Mark Bowden

Guests Of The Ayatollah - The First Battle In America's War With Militant Islam

from $6.34

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This book is a thrilling and eye-opening account of the Iran hostage crisis, providing a unique perspective from the hostages, soldiers, captors, and diplomats involved. Mark Bowden's meticulous research and storytelling skills make the reader feel as if they are right in the midst of this tense and dangerous situation. If you are interested in learning about a pivotal moment in American history and the complexities of militant Islam, this book is a must-read.

from $6.34

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Kenichi Ohmae

Triad Power : The Coming Shape of Global Competition

from $11.26

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Recommended for managers navigating global markets. This book presents a unique view of global competition, emphasizing the importance of understanding Triad markets intimately. The author provides practical suggestions for becoming a Triad insider and warns companies of the dangers of destructive trade wars. A recommended read for corporate planners!

from $11.26

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Ian Ward

The Killer They Called a God

from $5.90

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This book is a gripping account of Colonel Masanobu Tsuji, a notorious war criminal who managed to escape justice. The author takes the reader on a thrilling journey from the blood-soaked beaches of Singapore to the baffling conclusion, unraveling the shocking secrets and the role of American and British authorities in his escape. If you're a history enthusiast seeking to understand the tangled web of politics and war, this book offers a captivating exploration into the hidden chapters of World War II.

from $5.90

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Luke Harding, David Leigh

WikiLeaks : Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy

from $10.45

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This book is a gripping account of the controversial figure, Julian Assange, and his trailblazing platform, WikiLeaks. Filled with suspense, it explores the unprecedented leak of classified documents, delving into the debate surrounding Assange's motives and actions. As the authors, David Leigh and Luke Harding, draw you into their own involvement in the publishing drama, you'll be captivated by the inside story of a man who challenged the powerful and sparked global debate on information freedom and transparency. A must-read for those intrigued by the enigmatic world of hacktivism and the ripple effects of whistleblowing.

from $10.45

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Benazir Bhutto

Reconciliation : Islam, Democracy, and the West

from $9.52

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Recommendation: - If you're interested in understanding the complex relationship between Islam, democracy, and the West, "Reconciliation" is a powerful and insightful book that offers a fresh perspective. Benazir Bhutto, a courageous woman tragically killed, provides a gripping account of her final months in Pakistan and presents a bold agenda for tackling Islamic radicalism. Her message of tolerance, justice, and the need for global unity is both thought-provoking and inspiring. By reading this book, you'll gain a deeper understanding of modern Islam and the urgent need for reconciliation in our world today.

from $9.52

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Paul Dalziel

The New Zealand Macroeconomy : A Briefing on the Reforms and Their Legacy

from $5.08

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This book is a good read for anyone interested in the economic history of New Zealand, and how it compares to other developed economies. The author provides a clear overview of the reforms that transformed the New Zealand economy in the 1980s and 1990s, and evaluates their long-term impact on economic growth, income distribution, and social welfare. The book is well-structured and easy to read, and provides a balanced assessment of the costs and benefits of the reforms. Readers will appreciate the clarity of the exposition and the insights into the policy choices that determined the fate of the New Zealand economy.

from $5.08

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Valerie Plame Wilson

Fair Game : My Life as a Spy, My Betrayal by the White House

from $10.91

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Recommended for those interested in espionage and politics. It provides an insider's perspective into the workings of the CIA and its role in contemporary political affairs.

from $10.91

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Joyce Purnick

Mike Bloomberg : Money, Power, Politics

Regular price $10.33 from $7.23 Save up to 30%

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This book would be a great read for those interested in the life of an unconventional businessman. It offers a unique perspective on how Mike Bloomberg's problem-solving abilities and unconventional approach led him to great success. The book highlights his rise from a childhood in the suburbs of Boston to becoming a self-made billionaire through his creation of Bloomberg L.P. It also delves deep into his successful mayoral career and controversial campaign for a third term. Overall, this book is a great read for those wanting to gain insight into the life of an individual who forged his way through his abilities rather than societal norms.

Regular price $10.33 from $7.23 Save up to 30%

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Derek Prince

The Key To The Middle East - Discovering The Future Of Israel In Biblical Prophecy

from $6.34

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This book could be a good read for those who are intrigued by biblical prophecy and want to understand the significance of Israel in the Middle East. With Derek Prince's deep understanding and interpretation of Scripture, readers will be captivated by the fascinating history of Israel and the mounting tensions in the region. Through this accessible guide, readers will gain insight into the future of Israel and its impact on world events, providing a thought-provoking and inspiring read.

from $6.34

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Alan R. Tom

Redesigning Teacher Education

from $16.49

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"Redesigning Teacher Education" would be a valuable read for educators who want to explore new perspectives and strategies for teacher training. The author focuses on practical and theoretical aspects of teacher education reform, proposing 11 design principles for reform and evaluating four change strategies. The book provides insights into the shortcomings of the current system, and offers valuable suggestions for redesigning teacher preparation to better meet the changing needs of educators and society.

from $16.49

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John G. Cawelti, Bruce A. Rosenberg

The Spy Story

Regular price $7.15 from $4.29 Save up to 40%

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"The Spy Story" is a great read for anyone who enjoys mystery novels centered around the world of espionage. The book analyzes the evolution of spy stories, and highlights the work of writers such as John Buchan, Eric Ambler, Graham Greene, Ian Fleming, and John le Carre. Readers will appreciate the extensive appendix, which includes a bibliography of espionage and clandestinity, a list of the best spy novels and films, and a catalog of major spy writers and their heroes. It is a great book for those interested in the history of the genre and lovers of spy novels.

Regular price $7.15 from $4.29 Save up to 40%

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Åsne Seierstad

With Their Backs To The World : Portraits from Serbia - from the bestselling author of the Bookseller of Kabul

from $10.50

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This book offers a unique perspective on daily life under the Milosevic regime and in post-Milosevic Serbia. It focuses on the individual stories of Serbs from various walks of life, giving readers a glimpse into the complex hopes, dreams, and viewpoints of a nation in transition. If you're interested in understanding the human impact of political turmoil, this book is for you.

from $10.50

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Sumit Ganguly

The Crisis In Kashmir - Portents Of War, Hopes Of Peace

from $5.07

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This book is a comprehensive analysis of the Kashmir conflict. It provides a detailed account of the history of the crisis and the potential for either peaceful resolution or further escalation towards war. Recommended for those interested in South Asian politics and global conflicts. Users will appreciate how the author presents both sides of the conflict and provides potential solutions to the issue.

from $5.07

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Lee Kuan Yew

Singapore Story : Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew

from $7.90

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Lee Kuan Yew's personal perspective adds depth and authenticity. 3. Reveals the challenges and strategies behind Singapore's transformation. 4. Offers valuable insights for leaders and policymakers.

from $7.90

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Eric J. Hobsbawm

Nations And Nationalism Since 1780 - Programme, Myth, Reality

from $5.07

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Recommendation: - If you're curious about the origins and evolution of nationalism and want to understand its impact on the world, "Nations And Nationalism Since 1780 - Programme, Myth, Reality" is a must-read. Hobsbawm brilliantly dissects the intricacies of nationalism, providing insights into its historical context and its influence on modern politics. This book offers a compelling analysis that will broaden your understanding of this complex phenomenon.

from $5.07

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Tommy Koh


from $4.90

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This book is an excellent read for anyone interested in Singapore's path to success. The book presents a clear and concise analysis of Singapore's journey, highlighting the policies, strategies, and values that have been instrumental in making Singapore what it is today. By reading this book, you will gain a better understanding of Singaporean culture, history, and politics, and how these have shaped its remarkable success story.

from $4.90

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Institute of Directors

The Handbook of International Corporate Governance : A Definitive Guide

from $35.95

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This book would be a valuable read for business owners and managers with international responsibilities. It provides comprehensive coverage of laws, codes, and corporate governance practices for multiple jurisdictions, helping readers understand the legal landscape they operate in and the expectations of various stakeholders. Additionally, the commentary from prominent organizations gives readers a real-world perspective on corporate governance.

from $35.95

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Richard Jay Solomon, Lee W. McKnight, W. Russell Neuman

The Gordian Knot : Political Gridlock on the Information Highway

from $12.54

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The Gordian Knot provides a detailed historical account of the national debate surrounding the development of a national information infrastructure. The authors outline the issues with the political process surrounding the policy-making and provide a policy proposal for a reformed regulatory structure that builds and protects meaningful competition. This book is perfect for those interested in the history of telecommunications, radio, and television broadcasting and the policy-making surrounding these industries.

from $12.54

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James C. Scott

Two Cheers for Anarchism : Six Easy Pieces on Autonomy, Dignity, and Meaningful Work and Play

from $11.12

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Two Cheers for Anarchism could be a good read for someone looking to challenge traditional structures of hierarchy. Scott offers a unique perspective on everyday social and political interactions that inspire readers to consider constructive anarchism. The book celebrates the ingenuity and judgement of individuals exercising their creative and moral capacities. Readers will enjoy relatable anecdotes and examples that touch on a wide range of subjects, including globalization, assembly-line production, and historical explanation.

from $11.12

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Stella R. Quah

Families In Asia - Home And Kin

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 Save up to 30%

Unit price

Recommended for individuals seeking cross-cultural insight.

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 Save up to 30%

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Peter D. Schiff, John Downes

Crash-proof : How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse

Regular price $10.91 from $7.64 Save up to 30%

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Recommendation: Crash-Proof is a must-read for those concerned about economic stability. Schiff's investment strategies and predictions offer a unique and informative perspective on the current economic climate and how to navigate it successfully. His survival plan can help readers protect their investments and finances from the potential effects of an economic collapse.

Regular price $10.91 from $7.64 Save up to 30%

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Annette Woods, Allan Luke, Katie Weir

Curriculum, Syllabus Design and Equity : A Primer and Model

from $19.18

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Curriculum, Syllabus Design and Equity: A Primer and Model is a valuable resource for educators who are committed to creating equitable and socially just learning environments. The book outlines practical guidelines for designing high quality curriculum and syllabus documents that respond to the specific needs of local communities and students. The authors emphasize the importance of promoting teacher professionalism and providing opportunities for ongoing professional development. This book is an essential read for educators who want to make a positive difference in the lives of their students.

from $19.18

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Jan Wong

Red China Blues: My Long March from Mao to Now : My Long March from Mao to Now

from $8.13

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Red China Blues gives readers a first-world perspective of China from the height of Maoism to Deng Xiaoping's capitalist reforms. Through the author's personal experiences, she provides insight on how communism affected individuals in China, and how the Chinese society struggled to cope with communist ideals. This book is suitable for readers interested in history and political science.

from $8.13

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David Hackett Fischer

Albion's Seed : Four British Folkways in America

Regular price $13.10 from $7.86 Save up to 40%

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Albion's Seed is a great read for a history enthusiast, particularly those interested in the formation of America's regional cultures. Fischer's work effectively outlines the folkways and cultural differences between early British settlers in America, and how they have persisted to varying degrees in different areas of the country. This book is a valuable resource for understanding American cultural history, and would be a particularly good fit for those studying the social sciences or anyone with a keen interest in American regionalism.

Regular price $13.10 from $7.86 Save up to 40%

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Dambisa Moyo

Winner Take All : China's Race For Resources and What It Means For Us

from $8.40

Unit price

Winner Take All is a must-read for anyone interested in global politics and economics. Dambisa Moyo provides a well-researched examination of China's aggressive search for resources, the impact it is having on the world, and the potential consequences for our future. The book delves into the complexities of commodity markets and geopolitical power, making it a valuable resource for students, policymakers, and anyone interested in understanding the global economy.

from $8.40

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Hsiao-Yen Peng, Isabelle Rabut

Modern China and the West : Translation and Cultural Mediation

Regular price $16.88 from $10.13 Save up to 40%

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This book could be a good read for anyone interested in cross-cultural interactions, particularly in the context of China and the West. The unique feature of this book is its focus on the role of translation in shaping cultural concepts and the negotiation that takes place among various institutional powers. The book offers insights into individual translators or mediators' agency and the extent to which they are allowed to exercise their free will. This book provides a thorough investigation of translation in cultural mediation, and its contributors include experts in the field.

Regular price $16.88 from $10.13 Save up to 40%

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Robert D. Kaplan

Warrior Politics - Why Leadership Requires A Pagan Ethos

from $6.51

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This book would be an excellent read for individuals interested in leadership and politics. Kaplan draws from historical and philosophical examples to provide an alternative approach to modern leadership, one that embraces both the positive and negative aspects of human nature. Kaplan's writing style is engaging, and his ideas are thought-provoking, making this book a must-read for anyone interested in the topic.

from $6.51

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Koon Hean Cheong

Seeking A Better Urban Future

from $14.03

Unit price

This book is highly recommended for anyone interested in understanding how cities tackle the unique problems and opportunities they face in today's world. Dr. Cheong, the CEO of the Housing and Development Board, shares her expertise and insights on how cities can plan and develop to create a better life for their citizens. With a focus on Singapore, she explores the considerations and constraints of a small city-state with an open economy. This book will broaden your perspective on urbanization and inspire you to seek innovative solutions for a better urban future.

from $14.03

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Kenichi Ohmae

The End of the Nation-State

from $8.26

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Recommended for those interested in economics and globalization. Ohmae argues that the traditional nation-state is being overshadowed by global forces such as corporations and communication. His suggestion of natural economic zones as replacements for traditional nation-states is thought-provoking.

from $8.26

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Tony Silvia, Wolf Blitzer

Global News : Perspectives on the Info Age

Regular price $15.74 from $11.02 Save up to 30%

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Recommendation: "This book is a good read for anyone interested in the rapidly changing dynamic of news media. With contributions from prominent figures in the field, Global News offers a unique perspective on the impact of the digital age on journalism, making it essential reading for journalists and academics alike."

Regular price $15.74 from $11.02 Save up to 30%

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