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1884 Results

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

Condition: Well Read


This book is perfect for those who want to understand the power of their instincts and the art of quick decision-making. Malcolm Gladwell intriguingly explores the realm of snap judgments and uncovers how our unconscious mind provides us with valuable information in an instant. Through captivating stories, he challenges the idea that all quick decisions are rash and hasty, showing how they can be incredibly accurate. Prepare to have your perspective on snap judgments completely transformed.

Leadership and the New Science

Condition: Very Good


If you're intrigued by how innovative scientific concepts can revolutionize the way we understand and apply leadership, then "Leadership and the New Science" is right up your alley. Margaret Wheatley presents a fascinating blend of quantum physics and organizational management that's sure to provide fresh perspectives on empowerment and change, making it perfect for forward-thinking leaders seeking to evolve their approach to guiding others.
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The 36-Hour Day - A Family Guide To Caring For People Who Have Alzheimer Disease, Related Dementias, And Memory Loss

Condition: Very Good



Was: $9.86

The 36-Hour Day is an exceptional guide for family members caring for someone with dementia or experiencing memory loss. The authors provide practical advice, including coping strategies and ways to slow dementia progression. It is an empathetic guide, giving readers the comfort of knowing they are not alone in their journey. Highly recommended for anyone caring for a loved one with memory loss.

Fifth Risk - Undoing Democracy The

Condition: Well Read


"Fifth Risk" could be just what you need if you're fascinated by the complexities of governance and the critical, often invisible, ways it keeps our lives running smoothly. Michael Lewis has a knack for illuminating the obscure but vital aspects of public service, giving you an unnervingly close look at the consequences of political negligence. It's a compelling read for anyone concerned with current affairs and the health of democracy.

Born Free

Condition: Very Good


Recommendation: Born Free is a touching true story of raising a lion cub and releasing it back to the wild. Readers who enjoy heartwarming animal tales and exploring the beauty of nature will find this book inspiring. The vivid descriptions of Africa's wilderness and a lion's life are awe-inspiring and make the reader feel connected to the natural world.

The Borderlands of Science: Where Sense Meets Nonsense

Condition: Very Good


If you find yourself fascinated by the constantly blurred lines between scientific discovery and the allure of pseudoscience, "The Borderlands of Science" might just be the book to help you navigate this tricky terrain. Shermer's incisive analysis offers tools to discern real breakthroughs from enticing but unsubstantiated claims, drawing on examples that span from the cosmos to Big Foot. This enlightening journey could help ground your understanding in a world brimming with both wonders and wild theories.
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Suspicious Minds: Why We Believe Conspiracy Theories

Condition: Well Read



Was: $9.88

This book is a fascinating exploration of the human inclination to believe in conspiracy theories. It uncovers the reasons why people are drawn to these theories, especially when they feel discontented or distrustful. With a blend of psychological research and historical examples, Suspicious Minds provides a captivating and thought-provoking journey into the world of conspiracy thinking. If you've ever wondered why people believe in such theories, this book will offer you valuable insights and leave you questioning your own beliefs.
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The Book : A Cover-to-Cover Exploration of the Most Powerful Object of Our Time

Condition: Very Good



Was: $19.88

This book is a treasure trove of knowledge for anyone who is fascinated by the art and science of bookmaking. Keith Houston takes readers on a captivating journey, revealing the secret stories hidden within the pages, covers, and bindings of our beloved books. From the ancient civilizations to the modern era, Houston's vivid illustrations and engaging narrative bring the evolution of books to life. Prepare to see books in a whole new light and gain a deeper appreciation for the intricate craftsmanship behind them.

The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who've Lived the Longest

Condition: Very Good


This book could be a good read for someone looking to improve their lifestyle and increase their lifespan. Buettner's research on long-lived communities across the world offers practical tips and lessons on healthy eating, exercise, and mindset. The unique feature of this book is its focus on discovering commonalities in diverse cultures for maintaining vitality and well-being.

The Upside of Irrationality : The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic at Work and at Home

Condition: Well Read


If you've ever felt puzzled by your own or others' illogical choices, "The Upside of Irrationality" might just be the book you need. Dan Ariely takes you on a journey through the paradoxes of human behavior, making sense of our irrational decisions. It's a captivating read that will shed light on the hidden forces shaping your actions, potentially transforming the way you work, love, and live.

Freakonomics : A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything

Condition: Well Read


Freakonomics is a fascinating exploration of the hidden side of the world we live in. Levitt and Dubner use their unique analytical perspective to unveil the truth about things we thought we understood but don't. Their unconventional approach to analyzing data leads to surprising and thought-provoking insights on everything from cheating teachers to bizarre baby names. This book is a must-read for anyone looking for unconventional and intriguing perspectives on complex phenomena.
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Mother of Invention

Condition: Well Read



Was: $8.78

If you've ever questioned why some obvious innovations seemed delayed or have been curious about the untapped potential of women's ideas, "Mother of Invention" will take you on an eye-opening journey. Katrine Marçal tackles the silent biases in our economy with fierce perspective, shedding light on how the world can benefit from including and prioritizing women's inventions and insights. This book promises to be a thrilling read for anyone interested in innovation, equality, and rewriting history.
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The Next 100 Years : a Forecast for the 21st Century

Condition: Well Read



Was: $14.88

If you're fascinated by the patterns of history and the potential of the future, "The Next 100 Years" by George Friedman could be your next absorbing read. Friedman's expertise makes for a compelling dive into what the future may hold, making it seem less like speculation and more like informed forecasting. It's for anyone interested in geopolitical dynamics and how they might unfold in the coming decades.

The Articulate Mammal: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics

Condition: Well Read


If you're fascinated by how language shapes our thought and vice versa, "The Articulate Mammal" could be a treasure trove for you. Jean Aitchison elegantly bridges the gap between linguistics and psychology, making complex ideas accessible and engrossing. It's a book that not only delves into the technicalities of language learning but also entertains with its breadth of knowledge and engaging writing style.

Inside the Nudge Unit

Condition: Very Good


If you're someone intrigued by how small changes in the way choices are presented can significantly alter behavior, "Inside the Nudge Unit" might just pique your interest. You'll get a behind-the-scenes look at how Dr. Halpern's team applies psychology and economics to tackle real-world issues. It's not just theory; it's a practical window into policy-making that leads to tangible results. Whether you're into psychology, politics, or just curious about the mechanics of decision-making, this book offers insights that could very well nudge you to see the world differently.
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Mountains Beyond Mountains

Condition: Well Read



Was: $12.82

If you're drawn to stories of profound humanitarian impact, "Mountains Beyond Mountains" is a call to your heart. Tracy Kidder's narrative brings you up close with Dr. Paul Farmer’s altruism and indefatigable determination to tackle health crises. It's an inspiring read that will challenge your perspective on global health and the power of an individual’s will to instigate change.
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University Physics with Modern Physics, Global Edition

Condition: Very Good



Was: $42.71

This book is ideal for calculus-based physics courses as it provides a strong emphasis on fundamental principles and conceptual understanding. The book's unique sets of worked examples help develop students' problem-solving skills. With added features influenced by education research, this book is perfect for students who want to learn physics and improve their results. The MasteringPhysics resource is also available for those who want to practice and assess their understanding further. Overall, this book is highly recommended for students looking for a clear and comprehensive textbook on university physics.

The Future of the Professions : How Technology Will Transform the Work of Human Experts

Condition: Like New


If you're both intrigued and perhaps a bit concerned about how AI and technology will reshape the job landscape, "The Future of the Professions" is a crucial read. It's not just speculation; the Susskinds back their views with solid research across various fields, making it a thought-provoking analysis for anyone interested in the intersection of work, technology, and society. This book might change how you view your job's future, and it's a fascinating roadmap of what to expect as we tread into an increasingly automated world.

The Infinite Resource - The Power Of Ideas On A Finite Planet

Condition: Very Good


If you're feeling overwhelmed by the current state of our planet, "The Infinite Resource" will offer you a refreshing perspective. Ramez Naam doesn't just dwell on the problems; he provides a roadmap to overcome them. This book is a blend of meticulous research and optimistic pragmatism that could change how you think about our world's future. It's a must-read for those passionate about innovative solutions and sustainability.

The Long Tail

Condition: Well Read


"The Long Tail" is a must-read for anyone interested in how the rise of the niche is fundamentally altering our markets. With clear examples spanning from Netflix to Google, Chris Anderson lucidly explains how unlimited choice is shifting our markets from a one-size-fits-all model, to one of unlimited variety. Anderson's book is a manifesto for the new economics of distribution, redefining what is commercially viable in the 21st century.
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The Longevity Book : The Science of Aging, the Biology of Strength, and the Privilege of Time

Condition: Very Good



Was: $21.29

The Longevity Book is a perfect read for women who are in their thirties and beyond, who are looking to learn more about how to care for their bodies as they age. Diaz's book provides practical tips and expert insights on topics ranging from biology to neuroscience, all with the goal of helping women maintain optimal health as they transition into midlife. The book's unique and distinctive feature is its holistic focus on self-care, empowering women to take control of their health and well-being. Overall, The Longevity Book is a highly recommended read for anyone interested in aging well and taking care of their body and mind.

Belonging to the Universe New Thinking About God and Nature

Condition: Well Read


If you're curious about where spirituality intersects with science, "Belonging to the Universe" may intrigue you. It's a thoughtful exploration that could broaden your perspective on the divine and the natural world. The collaborative insights from different thinkers provide a harmonious blend of ideas that might just resonate with your understanding of the universe and our place in it.

Nature's Imagination The Frontiers of Scientific Vision

Condition: Like New


"Nature's Imagination" could resonate with you if you're fascinated by the evolving landscape of scientific thought. This book isn't just a series of essays; it's a conversation among some of the most brilliant minds, debating the future trajectory of scientific exploration. As you delve into their discussions, you'll find yourself pondering the merits of reductionism versus holistic approaches, possibly reshaping your understanding of science's capability to explain our complex world.
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The World is Flat : The Globalized World in the Twenty-first Century

Condition: Well Read



Was: $8.43

"The World is Flat" offers a timely update on globalization and its effects. Friedman provides a compelling account of how advanced technologies have connected the world, and how this "flattening" affects us all. Through his impressive writing, Friedman helps readers understand the opportunities and challenges of the new global age. If you'd like to understand the workings of the global economy and how technology is shaping our future, this book is for you.

The New Digital Age : Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business

Condition: Very Good


The New Digital Age is more than just speculative fiction; it's a roadmap informed by insiders with an impressive track record. Schmidt and Cohen provide a thoughtful analysis that blends their technology expertise with socioeconomic and political insights. If you're intrigued by the implications of the digital revolution on the global stage, this collaboration offers a compelling exploration of tomorrow's opportunities and challenges in an ever-connected world.
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Free: The Future of a Radical Price

Condition: Well Read



Was: $10.53

This book is a must-read for anyone curious about the future of technology and its impact on our economy. Chris Anderson explores the fascinating concept of "free" and how it is redefining traditional economic models. Through engaging examples and insightful analysis, he reveals how new technologies, like the internet, have revolutionized the production and distribution of goods. With thought-provoking ideas, Anderson forces us to question our perception of value, as he uncovers the surprising winners and losers in this new era of abundance. Whether you're an entrepreneur, economist, or simply interested in the forces shaping our world, "Free" will leave you rethinking the way you understand the economy and the power of reputation and time in our society.

The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History

Condition: Very Good


If you're intrigued by how humanity is shaping the natural world, "The Sixth Extinction" is an eye-opener. Elizabeth Kolbert blends science, history, and real-world observations into a narrative that is as educational as it is alarming. It's a book that could change your perception of our place in the natural order and the legacy we're leaving behind.

Connectography: Mapping the Future of Global Civilization

Condition: Very Good


If you're intrigued by the way globalization and connectivity are reshaping the geopolitical landscape, "Connectography" might well be your kind of read. Parag Khanna unpacks a complex subject with authority and engaging storytelling, painting a convincing picture of a world where infrastructure bonds are mightier than territorial claims. It's an optimistic, forward-thinking take that chimes especially with those interested in how economics, technology, and policy converge to define our global society.
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Get it Done: Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation

Condition: Like New



Was: $14.88

If you're hungry for progress but find yourself stuck, "Get It Done" might just be your roadmap to breakthrough. Author Ayelet Fishbach doesn't just theorize; she equips you with a scientifically-backed framework that's been proven to reel in those floating ambitions. You'll be deeply engaged by real stories while soaking up strategies that can move you towards your goals with a clear mind and a healthy vigor.
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Heyday : The 1850s and the Dawn of the Global Age

Condition: Well Read



Was: $8.43

A global history of the 1850s, the turbulent decade that marked the peak of the Victorian era, the birth of modernity, and the beginning of the first global age