
703 Results

703 Results

How Successful People Think : Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life - Thryft
John C. Maxwell

How Successful People Think : Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save up to 20%

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If you've ever wondered how visionaries and industry leaders sculpt their paths, "How Successful People Think" can be your roadmap. Maxwell doesn't just arm you with theoretical knowledge; he provides actionable steps that encourage you not just to think, but to think expansively and with intention. It's for you if you're ready to elevate your mental game and step confidently towards your goals.

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save up to 20%

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Job : A God Man Asks Why - Thryft
Kevin Perrotta

Job : A God Man Asks Why

Regular price $5.90 from $3.90 Save up to 43%

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Job: A God Man Asks Why could be a good read for someone grappling with the question of why bad things happen to good people. This book walks readers through the key points of the book of Job, helping them to understand the nature of suffering, justice, and love. Its unique feature is that it presents both the insights of Church fathers and saints and sound biblical scholarship, making it accessible to both beginners and advanced students of the Bible. By reading and reflecting on its deeper meanings, readers can grow in their understanding of God's word and in their relationship with God.

Regular price $5.90 from $3.90 Save up to 43%

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Kant and the Philosophy of History - Thryft
Yirmiyahu Yovel

Kant and the Philosophy of History

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save up to 20%

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If you're intrigued by the intersection of philosophy and history, "Kant and the Philosophy of History" presents a deep dive into how Immanuel Kant perceived the role of history in human progress. Yirmiyahu Yovel's exploration of Kant's ideas could provide a thought-provoking read that challenges your understanding of historical development through a philosophical lens.

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save up to 20%

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Kant - Thryft
Allen W. Wood


Regular price $13.90 from $11.90 Save up to 22%

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If philosophy piques your interest, especially Immanuel Kant's enigmatic and profound inquiries into human cognition and the bounds of reason, this is your essential primer. Wood decrypts Kant's complex thoughts with clarity, offering you a sweeping yet accessible overview that serves as a perfect entry point into the philosopher's dense works. Whether you're a student gearing up for exams or a life-long learner chasing intellectual stimulation, "Kant" will be a rewarding companion.

Regular price $13.90 from $11.90 Save up to 22%

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The Life of the Drama - Thryft
Eric Bentley

The Life of the Drama

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save up to 20%

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If theatre captivates you, Eric Bentley's "The Life of the Drama" offers insightful reflections that mirror how life itself plays out on stage. The detailed discussions invite you to revisit them, each read revealing new facets like an unfolding play. Its quality has readers returning, uncovering layers within theatre's compelling language and our very existence.

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save up to 20%

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Winning with Honour: In Relationships, Family, Organisations, Leadership, and Life - Thryft
Joanne H Lim, Lim Siong Guan

Winning with Honour: In Relationships, Family, Organisations, Leadership, and Life

Regular price $10.90 from $4.90 Save up to 60%

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This book is a powerful exploration of the concept of honour and its impact on various aspects of life. It draws upon a wide range of sources and examples to illustrate how honour can contribute to success, happiness, and stability in relationships, family, organizations, leadership, and life as a whole. Through its thought-provoking ideas and accessible writing style, it encourages readers to reflect on the importance of honour and its potential to transform their lives.

Regular price $10.90 from $4.90 Save up to 60%

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Living Well: Quenches Thirst in Life's Voyage - Thryft
H.S. Lim

Living Well: Quenches Thirst in Life's Voyage

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save up to 20%

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"Living Well" could be the mental refreshment you're seeking—it's not just about personal achievements but also about nurturing relationships and balancing life's demands. Lim's experience in the public service provides relatable anecdotes and practical encouragement that could serve as a wellspring of inspiration during your own highs and lows. It sounds like a trove of wisdom for anyone at a crossroads or in need of a motivational nudge.

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save up to 20%

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Don't Sweat the Small Stuff-- and it's All Small Stuff : Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking over Your Life - Thryft
Richard Carlson

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff-- and it's All Small Stuff : Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking over Your Life

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save 11%

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Recommendation: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff is a perfect fit for anyone looking to overcome stress and anxiety by making small daily changes to their life. The author’s insightful and thoughtful suggestions encourage the reader to live in the present moment, trust their intuition and find peace with imperfection. This book is a perfect guide for anyone who wants to live a more peaceful and stress-free life.

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save 11%

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Lift Me Up! Loving Your Life: Positive Quotes And Personal Notes To Bring You Joy And Pleasure! - Thryft
Ron Kaufman

Lift Me Up! Loving Your Life: Positive Quotes And Personal Notes To Bring You Joy And Pleasure!

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save 11%

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If you're feeling a bit down or disconnected, "Lift Me Up!" might just be the gentle nudge you need. It's a collection designed to infuse your day with optimism and self-appreciation. Imagine a friend whispering words of encouragement right when you need them—that's the essence of this book.

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save 11%

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The Birth of the Modern: World Society 1815-1830 - Thryft
Paul Johnson

The Birth of the Modern: World Society 1815-1830

Regular price $12.90 from $9.90 Save up to 23%

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"The Birth of the Modern: World Society 1815-1830" by Paul Johnson provides a sweeping, multifaceted panorama of an era teeming with progress and change. If you're keen on understanding how the modern world was shaped amidst the whirlwind of industrial, political, and cultural revolutions, this book threads together the defining moments and figures that sculpted our contemporary landscape. It's a substantial read that connects the past's dots to present a vivid tapestry of human advancement.

Regular price $12.90 from $9.90 Save up to 23%

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An Outline of Philosophy - Thryft
Bertrand Russell

An Outline of Philosophy

from $8.90

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If you're intrigued by the deeper questions of existence and knowledge, then "An Outline of Philosophy" by Bertrand Russell might be for you. It's a thought-provoking dive into philosophical inquiry by one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century. Russell will guide you through complex ideas with clarity, providing insights that could shift the way you perceive the world and your place in it.

from $8.90

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Field of Grasshoppers - Thryft
Ken Dahl

Field of Grasshoppers

from $5.90

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"Field of Grasshoppers" challenges traditional religious views and aims to provide readers with a different perspective on approaching belief systems. The book encourages introspection and self-honesty, questioning one's inherited beliefs and exploring new ideas. The author's unapologetic questioning and open-mindedness make this book a worthwhile read for those interested in expanding their spiritual horizons and considering different points of view.

from $5.90

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John - Moody Gospel Commentary - Thryft
J. Carl Laney

John - Moody Gospel Commentary

Regular price $9.40 from $8.90 Save up to 15%

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If you're looking to delve deeply into the Gospel of John, Dr. Laney's commentary will take you on a meticulous journey, ensuring you don't miss the rich interconnectivity between verses. It's ideal for those wanting a comprehensive understanding of this profound part of the Bible, with a keen eye for details that create a cohesive scriptural narrative.

Regular price $9.40 from $8.90 Save up to 15%

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The Road Less Traveled : A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values, and Spiritual Growth - Thryft
M. Scott Peck

The Road Less Traveled : A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values, and Spiritual Growth

from $6.90

Unit price

If you're ready to embark on a transformative journey toward self-discovery and personal growth, "The Road Less Traveled" is the perfect companion. Through insightful psychology and profound wisdom, M. Scott Peck challenges conventional thinking to help readers confront their problems head-on and uncover a path of spiritual growth. Prepare to be inspired, enlightened, and empowered as you navigate the road less traveled and unlock your true potential.

from $6.90

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Stories Told by the Mother Part -II * - Thryft
Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Stories Told by the Mother Part -II *

from $3.90 Save up to 38%

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This book could be a good read for those seeking spiritual enlightenment and guidance. Through a collection of stories, the author conveys living truths that are meant to bring readers closer to the Mother. Each anecdote serves as a revelation, offering a unique perspective on life and spirituality. Dive into this book to experience a profound connection with the Mother and uncover hidden truths that will inspire and guide you on your spiritual journey.

from $3.90 Save up to 38%

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No Man Is an Island - Thryft
Thomas Merton

No Man Is an Island

from $8.90

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If the quest for deeper meaning in life resonates with you, "No Man Is an Island" might just be the companion you need on your journey. Thomas Merton's eloquent prose offers a dive into human spirituality, exploring themes that could bring clarity to your everyday existence. It's not just about faith; it's about finding our place in the grand scheme.

from $8.90

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Why Do People Hate America? - Thryft
Ziauddin Sardar, Merryl Wyn Davies

Why Do People Hate America?

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save 11%

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If you're curious about the complex global perceptions of America and want to dive deeper into international relations, this book is an eye-opener. It's a thoughtful examination of why anti-American sentiments exist and how they are shaped by policies and cultural influences. It could help you understand the nuances of geopolitical dynamics and the controversies surrounding America's influence worldwide.

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save 11%

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The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons - Thryft
Napoleon Hill

The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons

Regular price $16.90 from $12.90 Save up to 24%

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Recommended for individuals seeking motivation and self-improvement. The book offers timeless advice on how to achieve success, overcome obstacles, and cultivate good habits. It's a comprehensive guide to personal and professional growth that emphasizes persistence, self-discipline, and optimism. Users will appreciate the practical exercises and real-life examples that demonstrate how to apply the principles to their own lives.

Regular price $16.90 from $12.90 Save up to 24%

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Joy in Suffering - Thryft
A.A. Noser, S.V.D. Noser

Joy in Suffering

Regular price $8.90 from $5.90 Save up to 36%

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This book could be a good read for someone who is facing hardships and seeking solace and meaning in their suffering. "Joy in Suffering" offers wisdom from Saint Therese of the Child Jesus on finding happiness amidst pain. By sharing practical instructions and prayers for a novena, the book guides readers on how to navigate personal trials, be it physical, emotional, or spiritual. It emphasizes the power of the Catholic Faith in bringing peace and joy, ultimately helping readers transform their sufferings into sources of growth and fulfillment.

Regular price $8.90 from $5.90 Save up to 36%

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The Golden Treasury of Bible Wisdom: New International Version - Thryft

The Golden Treasury of Bible Wisdom: New International Version

Regular price $7.90 from $4.90 Save up to 40%

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As good as gold! Now for the first time in the New International Version, The Golden Treasury of Bible Wisdom is more practical than ever before. This now-classic handbook contains over 1000 carefully selected Scriptural passages followed by inspired, timely comments from the pen of the late Reverend Herschel B. Dean.

Regular price $7.90 from $4.90 Save up to 40%

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On Socrates - Thryft
Hope May

On Socrates

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save up to 20%

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If you've ever felt daunted by ancient philosophy, this book serves as an accessible entry point to Socrates' ideas. It's designed to make class discussions more fruitful and to deepen your appreciation of the original texts. Imagine it as a bridge between you and one of the greatest thinkers—the guide that makes complex thoughts clear.

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save up to 20%

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The Language Instinct : How the Mind Creates Language - Thryft
Steven Pinker

The Language Instinct : How the Mind Creates Language

from $8.90

Unit price

If you're intrigued by the mechanics of human speech and thought, Pinker's "The Language Instinct" could be a revelation. It positions language as an innate human ability, intertwined with our very biology. It’s a deep dive into linguistics made accessible, offering eye-opening perspectives on how we concoct words and sentences. It's not just academic; it’s a conversation starter – think of it as intellectual sustenance for both the curious mind and the casual reader.

from $8.90

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How to Stop Worrying and Start Living - Thryft
Dorothy Carnegie, Dale Carnegie

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save up to 20%

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Dale Carnegie's "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" is like having a wise mentor at your fingertips, offering time-tested strategies that promise to lift the burdens of anxiety off your shoulders. It's particularly resonant for those who find themselves entangled in the web of modern-day stresses and yearn for a more peaceful, worry-free existence. It’s not just insightful; it’s a pathway to reclaiming joy and serenity in your day-to-day life.

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save up to 20%

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Uncommon Sense - Thryft
Mel Gill

Uncommon Sense

from $3.90 Save up to 51%

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This book could be a good read for you if you're searching for a refreshing perspective on life. It takes you on a journey of self-discovery, guiding you to tap into your own unique potential. Through the principles of uncommon sense, this book encourages you to break free from the constraints of conventional thinking and embrace a more empowered and fulfilling life. Prepare to be inspired and reinvigorated as you embark on this transformative reading experience.

from $3.90 Save up to 51%

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A Biblical Approach to Chinese Traditions and Beliefs - Thryft
Daniel Tong

A Biblical Approach to Chinese Traditions and Beliefs

Regular price $57.52 from $48.90 Save up to 15%

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If you're navigating the intersection of your Chinese heritage and Christian beliefs, this book by Daniel Tong might just be the insightful guide you've been seeking. It's not just about identifying what's culturally appropriate, but also about enriching your spiritual journey without losing touch with your deeply-rooted traditions. Dive in to explore a harmonious blend of faith and culture.

Regular price $57.52 from $48.90 Save up to 15%

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The Perfect Vehicle : What It Is About Motorcycles - Thryft
Melissa Holbrook Pierson

The Perfect Vehicle : What It Is About Motorcycles

Regular price $8.90 from $6.90 Save up to 22%

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Dive into "The Perfect Vehicle" for a journey that transcends a mere love affair with two-wheeled machines. Melissa Pierson's prose carves through the romanticized dangers and stereotypes, offering a rich blend of personal narrative and a sweeping overlook into motorcycling's storied past. Whether you're a seasoned rider or simply intrigued by the culture, Pierson's insights will give you a newfound appreciation for the road and its riders.

Regular price $8.90 from $6.90 Save up to 22%

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The Infinite Resource - The Power Of Ideas On A Finite Planet - Thryft
Ramez Naam

The Infinite Resource - The Power Of Ideas On A Finite Planet

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save 11%

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If you're feeling overwhelmed by the current state of our planet, "The Infinite Resource" will offer you a refreshing perspective. Ramez Naam doesn't just dwell on the problems; he provides a roadmap to overcome them. This book is a blend of meticulous research and optimistic pragmatism that could change how you think about our world's future. It's a must-read for those passionate about innovative solutions and sustainability.

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save 11%

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The Unquiet Grave: A Word Cycle - Thryft
Palinurus, Cyril Connolly

The Unquiet Grave: A Word Cycle

Regular price $8.90 from $5.90 Save up to 36%

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Imagine yourself submerged in the depths of a world at war, where the boundaries between reality and dreams blur. Cyril Connolly's "The Unquiet Grave" offers an intimate glimpse into the author's personal struggles with aging, lost love, and the horrors of war. With its unique blend of aphorisms, quotes, and reflective passages, this book will transport you to a time of chaos and introspection. Prepare to be captivated by its dazzling originality and profound insights that have captured the hearts of readers for generations.

Regular price $8.90 from $5.90 Save up to 36%

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Discovering God: A Devotional Journey Through the Bible - Thryft
Philip Yancey

Discovering God: A Devotional Journey Through the Bible

Regular price $12.90 from $10.90 Save 16%

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If you're seeking a spiritual experience that intertwines personal growth with a fresh look at biblical stories, Philip Yancey's 'Discovering God' could be a treasure for you. It's not just a read; it's a journey that offers a new vantage point on familiar scriptures, possibly deepening your perspective on faith and life with each story from a different book of the Bible.

Regular price $12.90 from $10.90 Save 16%

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A History of My Times - Thryft
Xenophon, George Cawkwell, Rex Warner

A History of My Times

Regular price $8.68 from $7.90 Save up to 9%

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"A History of My Times" offers you a chance to dive into the tumultuous era of Greek history from an insider's perspective. If you're fascinated by the details of ancient warfare, political intrigues, and the shifting alliances of city-states, Xenophon's account will captivate you. His unique position as an Athenian siding with Sparta promises a nuanced narrative that history buffs and classical studies aficionados will appreciate for its depth and firsthand insight.

Regular price $8.68 from $7.90 Save up to 9%

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The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People : Restoring the Character Ethic - Thryft
Stephen R. Covey

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People : Restoring the Character Ethic

from $5.90

Unit price

This book is a must-read for anyone who is seeking to transform their life and become more effective in their personal and professional endeavors. With its practical advice and thought-provoking insights, "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" provides a comprehensive program that helps individuals develop a strong character ethic and overcome the obstacles that hinder success. By following the seven habits outlined in the book, readers will gain a fresh perspective, learn to prioritize effectively, build better relationships, and achieve greater success in all areas of life. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey that will lead you to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

from $5.90

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101 Things to Learn in Art School - Thryft
Kit White

101 Things to Learn in Art School

Regular price $9.90 from $7.90 Save 20%

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If you're finding your way in the art world, Kit White's "101 Things to Learn in Art School" could be a pivotal resource for you. It's not just the practical tips that make this a must-have; it's how succinctly White marries technique with philosophy, making sense of what it at times can feel like an overwhelming journey through art and creativity. It's advice that resonates, whether you're grasping a paintbrush for the first time or brushing up on your art history.

Regular price $9.90 from $7.90 Save 20%

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The Inspiratorium - A Space For The Curious - Thryft
Anthony Tasgal

The Inspiratorium - A Space For The Curious

Regular price $5.90 from $3.90 Save up to 43%

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Recommendation: - This book is a treasure trove of diverse and intriguing ideas, seamlessly blending science, art, history, and philosophy. It invites you to explore the unexpected connections between seemingly unrelated realms. Prepare to be inspired as you leap into the unknown and embark on a journey of serendipity and spontaneity. Discover a whole new world of ideas and perspectives in the Inspiratorium.

Regular price $5.90 from $3.90 Save up to 43%

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The Devil's Dictionary - Thryft
Ambrose Bierce

The Devil's Dictionary

from $11.90

Unit price

If you enjoy sharp wit wrapped in satire, "The Devil's Dictionary" might just be your next favorite read. Ambrose Bierce's work offers a tongue-in-cheek redefinition of everyday terms to reveal the inherent irony and double standards of social norms. It's a clever and humorous book that, beyond making you chuckle, will make you ponder the absurdities of the English language and human nature.

from $11.90

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Philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita: A Contemporary Introduction - Thryft
Keya Maitra

Philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita: A Contemporary Introduction

from $15.90

Unit price

If you've ever felt intrigued by the intersection of ancient traditions and modern thought, "Philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita" could be a nourishing read for you. It peels back layers of historical mysticism and presents the Bhagavad Gita's profound insights in a way that's accessible, engaging, and particularly relevant to contemporary issues. Delving into themes like ethics and authenticity, this book invites you to explore philosophical depths while connecting to a cultural cornerstone.

from $15.90

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The Articulate Mammal: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics - Thryft
Jean Aitchison

The Articulate Mammal: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save 11%

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If you're fascinated by how language shapes our thought and vice versa, "The Articulate Mammal" could be a treasure trove for you. Jean Aitchison elegantly bridges the gap between linguistics and psychology, making complex ideas accessible and engrossing. It's a book that not only delves into the technicalities of language learning but also entertains with its breadth of knowledge and engaging writing style.

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save 11%

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Christianity - Thryft
Michael Keene


Regular price $5.90 from $3.90 Save up to 43%

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This book is perfect for those wanting to learn about the world's largest religion. It covers the basics of Christianity's origins and historical development, beliefs, and contemporary issues. Readers will gain a fascinating insight into the ways of worshipping and the impact of Christianity worldwide. Written in an easy to understand way, this book is a must-read for anyone wishing to gain a deeper understanding of the Christian faith.

Regular price $5.90 from $3.90 Save up to 43%

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Tao Te Ching - Thryft
Gia-Fu Feng, Jane English, Lao-Tse

Tao Te Ching

Regular price $12.32 from $11.90 Save up to 9%

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If you've been feeling caught up in the relentless pace of modern life, the "Tao Te Ching" might offer the reprieve you're searching for. Its poetic verses serve as gentle reminders to embrace simplicity, let go of excessive desires, and find harmony within the natural world. It's like a guide for achieving inner peace amidst the chaos.

Regular price $12.32 from $11.90 Save up to 9%

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Yoga Mala - Thryft
Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

Yoga Mala

Regular price $13.90 from $10.90 Save up to 24%

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If you've caught the yoga wave and are ready to dive deeper into the energetic world of Ashtanga Yoga, "Yoga Mala" by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois is your indispensable companion on the mat. Jois isn't just an author; he's an acclaimed teacher who brought this dynamic style to the West. The book isn't merely instructional—it's inspirational. With clear guidance on the movements and postures, and the philosophy that grounds them, it's like having a master instructor right at your fingertips, regardless of your yoga experience level.

Regular price $13.90 from $10.90 Save up to 24%

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The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives - Thryft
Leonard Mlodinow

The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives

from $10.90

Unit price

If the uncertainty of life both intrigues and confounds you, Leonard Mlodinow's "The Drunkard's Walk" is a thought-provoking exploration you shouldn't miss. It's a blend of science, psychology, and real-world examples that will arm you with a deeper understanding of the unseen forces shaping your daily life. Beyond the intellectual enrichment, it empowers you with a fresh perspective on luck, success, and decision-making.

from $10.90

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BaZi Essentials -5 Structures: Thinkers - Thryft
Joey Yap

BaZi Essentials -5 Structures: Thinkers

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save 11%

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If you're seeking self-awareness and love delving deep into personality traits, "BaZi Essentials - 5 Structures: Thinkers" can offer you insights into your unique behavioral patterns. It's not just about self-reflection; it's a practical guide to utilizing your natural inclinations in your career and personal life. Imagine having a roadmap to your inner workings—this book aims to be precisely that.

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save 11%

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Bazi Essentials Series-Meet your Day Master and get to know yourself!: Ren (Yang) Water - Thryft
Joey Yap

Bazi Essentials Series-Meet your Day Master and get to know yourself!: Ren (Yang) Water

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save 11%

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If you're delving into the world of BaZi astrology, this book is like a key that unlocks a deeper understanding of yourself via your Day Master. It invites you on an intriguing exploration of your core traits and provides insight into how your elemental sign can shape your choices and destiny. It's a guide to not just discovering yourself, but also to harnessing the attributes that make you uniquely 'Ren Water'.

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save 11%

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No Fear Zen: Discovering Balance in an Unbalanced World - Thryft
Richard Collins

No Fear Zen: Discovering Balance in an Unbalanced World

Regular price $5.90 from $3.90 Save up to 43%

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This book is a must-read for those seeking a unique approach to Zen practice. With a focus on concentration and sitting, it presents a disciplined path to finding balance in our chaotic world. The author's teachings, delivered in the form of Zen talks, range from humorous to profound, making it accessible to beginners and experienced practitioners alike. Through references to literature and personal experiences, the book offers practical guidance on managing the mind and emotions, ultimately dispelling the fears that hold us back from fully embracing life. It's a fearless journey towards inner peace and self-discovery.

Regular price $5.90 from $3.90 Save up to 43%

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En-Lovely: Victory over Weaknesses - Thryft
Seko Ong

En-Lovely: Victory over Weaknesses

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save 11%

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If you've been feeling weighed down by life's trials, "En-Lovely: Victory over Weaknesses" could be a breath of fresh air. Seko Ong's book is like a heart-to-heart talk with a wise friend who helps you to see the good in every situation. It's about refocusing on love and finding joy in the mundane. This collection of articles brings a profound perspective shift with it, inspiring you to embrace love as a lens through which to view life's every twist and turn.

Regular price $8.90 from $7.90 Save 11%

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Corporate Aikido - Unleash The Potential Within Your Company To Neutralize Competition And Seize Growth - Thryft
Robert Pino

Corporate Aikido - Unleash The Potential Within Your Company To Neutralize Competition And Seize Growth

Regular price $5.90 from $3.90 Save up to 43%

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"Corporate Aikido" teaches us how to approach competition and growth through harmony and collaboration, rather than aggression and domination. Pino's book provides a refreshing take on traditional business strategy, offering valuable insights for executives looking to improve their operations. The illustrations help to bring the principles to life and make the book engaging and easy to follow. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, "Corporate Aikido" is a must-read for anyone interested in innovative ways to build their business.

Regular price $5.90 from $3.90 Save up to 43%

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Letters to a Young Muslim - Thryft
Omar Saif Ghobash

Letters to a Young Muslim

Regular price $11.90 from $9.90 Save up to 20%

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"Letters to a Young Muslim" could be an eye-opener for you if you're eager to delve into the complexities confronting modern Muslims, especially in the context of extremism and cultural integration. Omar Saif Ghobash's approach is both diplomatic and paternal, offering a unique perspective that's accessible and thought-provoking. It's not just a father's advice to his sons, but a candid exploration of what it means to be a Muslim today, making it a valuable read for anyone interested in understanding these challenges.

Regular price $11.90 from $9.90 Save up to 20%

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Law of Success: The 21st-Century Edition : Revised and Updated - Thryft
Napoleon Hill

Law of Success: The 21st-Century Edition : Revised and Updated

Regular price $13.90 from $11.90 Save up to 22%

Unit price

If you've ever felt like you're capable of achieving more but can't seem to find the right rhythm, Hill's "Law of Success" might just be the metronome you need. This book doesn't just give you the fluffy "you can do it"; it walks you through the philosophy of personal success with a modern twist. It’s an extensive guide that could become your blueprint to navigating life's challenges with a steady and poised mindset.

Regular price $13.90 from $11.90 Save up to 22%

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Zen Puppies : Meditations for the Wise Minds of Puppy Lovers (Zen philosophy, Pet Lovers, COg Mom, Gift Book of Quotes and Proverbs) - Thryft
Gautama Buddha

Zen Puppies : Meditations for the Wise Minds of Puppy Lovers (Zen philosophy, Pet Lovers, COg Mom, Gift Book of Quotes and Proverbs)

Regular price $7.90 from $4.90 Save up to 45%

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'Zen Puppies' could be a perfect read for pet lovers and anyone interested in engaging with the teachings of Buddhism. The book provides insightful quotes and proverbs from Buddha's Dhammapada that can help readers gain a deeper understanding of life's basic struggles. The unique feature of the book is its combination of cute puppy pictures and profound wisdom that makes it a perfect gift book for anyone seeking mindfulness and inspiration.

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8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness - Thryft
Stephen R. Covey

8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness

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If you loved the practical wisdom of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," the "8th Habit" is like uncovering another layer beneath it, one that challenges you to not only be effective but to truly excel. Stephen R. Covey here is speaking to our deep-rooted desire for a profound sense of purpose and impact. It's not just about survival in the changing world; it's about leadership and inspiration. This could be your roadmap to that next level of achievement and personal fulfillment.

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The Upanishads. Vol.3 Aitareya and Brihadaranyaka - Thryft

The Upanishads. Vol.3 Aitareya and Brihadaranyaka

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Diving into "The Upanishads" can offer you a serene form of introspection, where each page turn invites you to contemplate life's deepest questions. It's an invitation to intellectually and spiritually enrich yourself, allowing a glimpse into the vast ocean of Indian philosophical thought. This volume can be especially gratifying if you're looking to elevate your understanding of self and the universe.

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