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Mountains Beyond Mountains

Condition: Well Read



Was: $12.82

If you're drawn to stories of profound humanitarian impact, "Mountains Beyond Mountains" is a call to your heart. Tracy Kidder's narrative brings you up close with Dr. Paul Farmer’s altruism and indefatigable determination to tackle health crises. It's an inspiring read that will challenge your perspective on global health and the power of an individual’s will to instigate change.
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Star Trek: The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 & 1701-A Illustrated Handbook

Condition: Very Good



Was: $9.86

This book is a must-read for any Star Trek fan who wants to delve deep into the glorious history of the U.S.S. Enterprise. With stunning illustrations, detailed technical information, and a comprehensive account of the starship's journey through the TV series and movies, this handbook is an extraordinary reference guide that brings the iconic Federation vessels to life. Whether you're a die-hard Trekkie or just starting your journey into the Star Trek universe, this book will undoubtedly satisfy your craving for knowledge about the beloved starship. Get ready to boldly go where no reader has gone before.

The New Digital Age : Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business

Condition: Very Good


The New Digital Age is more than just speculative fiction; it's a roadmap informed by insiders with an impressive track record. Schmidt and Cohen provide a thoughtful analysis that blends their technology expertise with socioeconomic and political insights. If you're intrigued by the implications of the digital revolution on the global stage, this collaboration offers a compelling exploration of tomorrow's opportunities and challenges in an ever-connected world.

Why Nations Fail : The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty

Condition: Well Read


Why Nations Fail provides a novel theory that the success of a nation is not determined by climate, geography, or culture, but instead by the quality of its institutions. Acemoglu and Robinson provide a compelling and well-argued case with a wide range of historical examples. This book would be a great choice for someone interested in the intersection of economics, politics, and history and who wants to gain a deeper understanding of wealth and poverty.

A Treatise of Human Nature

Condition: Well Read


If you're intrigued by the interplay between observation and philosophy, Hume's "A Treatise of Human Nature" provides a thoughtful dive into the origins of human concepts and beliefs. It's a seminal work that seems as if it could be heavy, but Hume's systematic exploration of causation, identity, and morality still echoes through modern discussions of philosophy and ethics. For anyone interested in the roots of psychological philosophy and the intellectual underpinnings of human understanding, this dense but rewarding text can offer profound insights.
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Crystal Basics : The Energetic, Healing, and Spiritual Power of 200 Gemstones

Condition: Well Read



Was: $18.43

Crystal Basics is a must-read for anyone interested in natural healing. It provides easy-to-follow techniques on how to cleanse, charge, and program gemstones and crystals. The book's directory of 200 gemstones includes full-color photographs with information on each one's physical, psychological, and spiritual healing qualities, making it perfect whether you're new to crystal healing or an experienced collector.

Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ

Condition: Well Read


Emotional Intelligence is an insightful book that challenges the traditional definition of intelligence and emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence in achieving individual success and positive relationships. Goleman's book offers practical advice and a scientific approach to enhance emotional intelligence and develop valuable interpersonal skills. Highly recommended for anyone interested in personal growth and professional development.
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The Inspiratorium - A Space For The Curious

Condition: Well Read



Was: $8.43

Recommendation: - This book is a treasure trove of diverse and intriguing ideas, seamlessly blending science, art, history, and philosophy. It invites you to explore the unexpected connections between seemingly unrelated realms. Prepare to be inspired as you leap into the unknown and embark on a journey of serendipity and spontaneity. Discover a whole new world of ideas and perspectives in the Inspiratorium.
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The Rise of Technosocialism: How Inequality, AI and Climate will Usher in a New World

Condition: Very Good



Was: $9.86

This book is a must-read for anyone grappling with the complex challenges of our rapidly changing world. Brett King and Dr. Richard Petty delve deep into the intersection of technology, inequality, and climate change, offering thought-provoking insights that will challenge your preconceived notions and open your mind to new possibilities. With a clear-eyed analysis and a compelling narrative, they examine the disruptive forces that will shape our future, forcing us to redefine our political, economic, and social systems. Prepare to be both enlightened and inspired as you navigate the uncharted territory of a technosocialist society.

The Infinite Resource - The Power Of Ideas On A Finite Planet

Condition: Very Good


If you're feeling overwhelmed by the current state of our planet, "The Infinite Resource" will offer you a refreshing perspective. Ramez Naam doesn't just dwell on the problems; he provides a roadmap to overcome them. This book is a blend of meticulous research and optimistic pragmatism that could change how you think about our world's future. It's a must-read for those passionate about innovative solutions and sustainability.
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Suspicious Minds: Why We Believe Conspiracy Theories

Condition: Well Read



Was: $9.88

This book is a fascinating exploration of the human inclination to believe in conspiracy theories. It uncovers the reasons why people are drawn to these theories, especially when they feel discontented or distrustful. With a blend of psychological research and historical examples, Suspicious Minds provides a captivating and thought-provoking journey into the world of conspiracy thinking. If you've ever wondered why people believe in such theories, this book will offer you valuable insights and leave you questioning your own beliefs.
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The World is Flat : The Globalized World in the Twenty-first Century

Condition: Well Read



Was: $8.43

"The World is Flat" offers a timely update on globalization and its effects. Friedman provides a compelling account of how advanced technologies have connected the world, and how this "flattening" affects us all. Through his impressive writing, Friedman helps readers understand the opportunities and challenges of the new global age. If you'd like to understand the workings of the global economy and how technology is shaping our future, this book is for you.
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The Longevity Book : The Science of Aging, the Biology of Strength, and the Privilege of Time

Condition: Very Good



Was: $21.29

The Longevity Book is a perfect read for women who are in their thirties and beyond, who are looking to learn more about how to care for their bodies as they age. Diaz's book provides practical tips and expert insights on topics ranging from biology to neuroscience, all with the goal of helping women maintain optimal health as they transition into midlife. The book's unique and distinctive feature is its holistic focus on self-care, empowering women to take control of their health and well-being. Overall, The Longevity Book is a highly recommended read for anyone interested in aging well and taking care of their body and mind.
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The Book : A Cover-to-Cover Exploration of the Most Powerful Object of Our Time

Condition: Very Good



Was: $19.88

This book is a treasure trove of knowledge for anyone who is fascinated by the art and science of bookmaking. Keith Houston takes readers on a captivating journey, revealing the secret stories hidden within the pages, covers, and bindings of our beloved books. From the ancient civilizations to the modern era, Houston's vivid illustrations and engaging narrative bring the evolution of books to life. Prepare to see books in a whole new light and gain a deeper appreciation for the intricate craftsmanship behind them.

David and Goliath : Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

Condition: Well Read


This book is a game-changer that challenges conventional wisdom about power dynamics. With compelling anecdotes and thoughtful analysis, Gladwell explores the untapped potential of those who defy odds and conquer giants. Through captivating storytelling, he invites readers to reconsider their perception of strength and inspires them to embrace their own hidden strengths. Prepare to be inspired and empowered as you discover the extraordinary capabilities that lie within you.
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Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School (Book & DVD)

Condition: Well Read



Was: $9.29

If understanding the brain seems like a puzzle, "Brain Rules" could be your missing piece. Dr. John Medina uses relatable stories and humor to demystify complex neuroscience. Imagine grasping how exercise, sleep, and stress affect learning, or debunking multitasking myths. It's a match for the curious mind eager to enhance work, education, and life.

Bittersweet How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole

Condition: Very Good


"Bittersweet" might move you deeply if you've ever felt that society asks us to hide our sorrows away. Susan Cain masterfully advocates for the beauty in melancholy and the growth that comes from accepting and honoring our pain. It's not just a book, it's a tender guide towards finding balance and wholeness in the inevitable roller coaster of human emotions.

The Social Animal: A Story of How Success Happens

Condition: Very Good


If you're curious about what drives people to succeed, "The Social Animal" could be a fascinating read for you. Brooks uses storytelling to delve into complex psychological concepts, making them accessible and engaging. It's not your typical success manual; it's a deep dive into how our unconscious minds shape our paths to fulfillment. You'll come away with a richer understanding of what success can look like beyond the traditional metrics.
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The World is Flat : The Globalized World in the Twenty-first Century

Condition: Well Read



Was: $8.80

If you're intrigued by how technology bridges distances and creates a competitive global marketplace, "The World is Flat" is for you. Thomas L. Friedman takes you on a journey, explaining the complexities of globalization in a relatable way. It's like having a savvy guide walk you through the economic and social shifts that are shaping our interconnected world. With insights that can help you understand current events and what they mean for the future, this book feels like a necessary manual for anyone living in the 21st century.

Deep Sea and Foreign Going : Inside Shipping, the Invisible Industry that Brings You 90% of Everything

Condition: Very Good


"Deep Sea and Foreign Going" is quite the eye-opener, perfect for those who love to uncover the hidden cogs of globalization. As you join Rose George on her maritime adventure, you'll dive into the complex and occasionally murky world of international shipping—a journey that's as enlightening as it is critical to understanding how the products we use daily make their way to us.

Leadership and the New Science

Condition: Very Good


If you're intrigued by how innovative scientific concepts can revolutionize the way we understand and apply leadership, then "Leadership and the New Science" is right up your alley. Margaret Wheatley presents a fascinating blend of quantum physics and organizational management that's sure to provide fresh perspectives on empowerment and change, making it perfect for forward-thinking leaders seeking to evolve their approach to guiding others.
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Free: The Future of a Radical Price

Condition: Well Read



Was: $10.53

This book is a must-read for anyone curious about the future of technology and its impact on our economy. Chris Anderson explores the fascinating concept of "free" and how it is redefining traditional economic models. Through engaging examples and insightful analysis, he reveals how new technologies, like the internet, have revolutionized the production and distribution of goods. With thought-provoking ideas, Anderson forces us to question our perception of value, as he uncovers the surprising winners and losers in this new era of abundance. Whether you're an entrepreneur, economist, or simply interested in the forces shaping our world, "Free" will leave you rethinking the way you understand the economy and the power of reputation and time in our society.

Intelligence - A Very Short Introduction

Condition: Very Good


Diving into "Intelligence" by Ian J. Deary can be an enlightening experience, especially if you're intrigued by the complexities of the human mind. It's digestible yet thorough, transforming a traditionally dense subject into something you can wrap your head around. If you're curious about the nature versus nurture debate or the plausibility of different intelligence types, this book turns these concepts into accessible insights for both beginners and enthusiasts alike.

Food Rules: An Eater's Manual

Condition: Well Read


If you often find yourself bewildered by the myriad of dietary advice out there, "Food Rules: An Eater's Manual" by Michael Pollan could be your anchor in the storm. Pollan is known for distilling complex subjects into manageable insights. This book promises to cut through the noise and provide you with straightforward, culturally-backed guidelines that will make deciding what to eat simpler and healthier. It's a breather for anyone looking to improve their eating habits without getting lost in the scientific jargon.

The Invisible Gorilla : And Other Ways Our Intuition Deceives Us

Condition: Well Read


Recommendations: - This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the tricks our brains play on us. Through captivating real-life examples, Chabris and Simons explain how our intuition can deceive us in surprising ways, from missing obvious details like a gorilla in a basketball game to making faulty judgments. By shedding light on these mental illusions, the book offers practical advice on how to make better decisions and minimize the negative impact of our flawed intuition. Get ready to have your mind blown and gain a fresh perspective on clear thinking. - If you've ever wondered why people sometimes miss the obvious or how even experts can make costly mistakes, this book is for you. Chabris and Simons delve into the fascinating world of cognitive illusions, using the famous "invisible gorilla" experiment as a starting point. Their engaging writing style, combined with thought-provoking insights, makes this book a pleasure to read. Prepare to challenge your assumptions about your own perception and gain valuable tools for improving decision-making in your daily life.

The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat

Condition: Very Good


Diving into "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" is like embarking on an expedition into the most secretive corners of the human psyche. The real-life narratives crafted by Oliver Sacks are both poignant and profound, revealing the extraordinary capacities and bizarre afflictions of the brain. It's particularly fitting for you if you're captivated by the intricacies of how our minds work, or if you're intrigued by the resilience and adaptability of the human spirit in the face of bewildering challenges.

The Borderlands of Science: Where Sense Meets Nonsense

Condition: Very Good


If you find yourself fascinated by the constantly blurred lines between scientific discovery and the allure of pseudoscience, "The Borderlands of Science" might just be the book to help you navigate this tricky terrain. Shermer's incisive analysis offers tools to discern real breakthroughs from enticing but unsubstantiated claims, drawing on examples that span from the cosmos to Big Foot. This enlightening journey could help ground your understanding in a world brimming with both wonders and wild theories.

How Pleasure Works : The New Science of Why We Like What We Like

Condition: Very Good


Ever wonder why we crave what we do? "How Pleasure Works" isn't just a peek into the human psyche; it's a guided tour by Paul Bloom, who combines wit with scholarly research. He challenges the simplistic notion that pleasure is just a response to certain stimuli, encouraging you to look at your desires through a new lens. If you enjoy examining the odd corners of human nature or if you've ever mused over our collective fascinations, this book could reshape the way you understand pleasure.

Emotional Intelligence

Condition: Well Read


You've probably pondered the limits of traditional IQ in day-to-day success. "Emotional Intelligence" dives into the significance of our emotional brains in shaping everything from our relationships to our job performance. Goleman's writing connects with anyone eager to understand the 'how' and 'why' behind our emotional responses and lays out a path for harnessing them. It's a real eye-opener that could redefine what you consider intelligence, potentially changing how you interact with the world.

Nature's Imagination The Frontiers of Scientific Vision

Condition: Like New


"Nature's Imagination" could resonate with you if you're fascinated by the evolving landscape of scientific thought. This book isn't just a series of essays; it's a conversation among some of the most brilliant minds, debating the future trajectory of scientific exploration. As you delve into their discussions, you'll find yourself pondering the merits of reductionism versus holistic approaches, possibly reshaping your understanding of science's capability to explain our complex world.